** How to Trace Any IP Address! by ROCKY13 2010/03/14 03:51
In this post I will show you how to trace any IP address back to its source. In fact tracing an IP address is very simple and easy than we think. There exists many websites through which you can trace any IP address back to its source. One of my favorite site is ip2location.com. Just go to http://www.ip2location.com/demo.aspx and enter the IP address that you want to trace in the dialog box and click on Find Location. With just a click of a button you can find the following information for any given IP address.
ROCKY13 2010/03/14 03:51
1. Country in which the IP is located

2. Region

3. City

4. Latitude/Longitude

5. Zip Code

6. Time Zone

7. Name of the ISP

8. Internet Speed

9. Weather Station

10. Area Code and

11. Domain name associated with the IP address.

ROCKY13 2010/03/14 03:51
You can also visually trace route any IP address back to its location. For this just visit http://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/visual-tracert/ and enter the IP you want to trace in the dialog box and hit the Proxy Trace button. Wait for few seconds and the visual trace route tool displays the path Internet packets traverse to reach a specified destination. Hope this helps. Please pass you comments.
Core_Condor 2010/03/14 04:24
and deres many more. .. .
and hw 2 find ip ? ? ?
type "netstat -n -b"in d cmd. . .and check it wid name. . . ..

_dreamprince_ 2010/03/14 06:30
Ya its ok,i also know a few sites,how can i know the ip address of any member from this site or any other site's member
-SwEeThArT- 2010/03/14 14:41
goOd in4
Elfuego 2010/03/22 08:40
I traced an Ip back 2 Denver in '07 wit whois. Bt i'll try ur new 1
alickdavid 2010/03/23 18:42
Nice info, kip it up...
September 2010/03/23 21:10
Ok but if they are using an ip cover then the only ip address you'll get is the one they want you to see.
Tinnaa 2010/03/26 06:12
Thanks for the info
mAnNu 2010/03/27 04:17
the site mentioned by u gives only info abt the country latitude n longitude....
Rasheed1992 2010/03/31 02:58
Rocky,U ar just 2 good
veni 2010/04/02 05:30
new things, new ideas. ama try it up
TaLkInG-PEN 2010/04/10 07:17
Dat's nice.
Wat's my ip address?

DrFj 2010/04/10 08:46
Knw it..
trick 2010/04/12 14:04
Yungboss 2010/05/04 20:46
Thats right
Topcat1 2010/06/26 17:41
As usual u r a FREAKEN GENIUS !
Doubl-D 2010/06/27 17:25
Thanks for the enlightenment
_-Raj-_ 2013/07/27 10:23
Easy to fake ur ip address if u want to.. Same way easy to trace but cant find who using it exactly. Maybe the static ip settings ll help u, but once the dynamic settings enabled for a modem/browser, its too difficult to trace..
Hareesh 2013/07/31 05:07
Will. . . . . .try. . . . . G.info. .
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