Free Wireless Internet access for laptop?! by
Pr1ya 2010/03/12 09:07
Hi there, hope some1 can assist me. I've heard that there is a way of getting free access to internet via laptop tht's applicable to all South African laptop users. Hmph, i was wondering if this is possible cos i'm using mweb to access internet on my laptop and i pay a monthly subscription for internet. If any1 has heard about this or those who knw the procedures for this, pls could you reply. I'd like to try it out. Thanks.
Pr1ya 2010/03/12 11:44
Just because i'm willing to try da free internet access, doesnt mean i'm gna stick to it! I'm quite happy wid da subscription i have, but wanna try it out. Thanks 4 ur comments anyways Ankur.
Core_Condor 2010/03/12 12:11
free service sucks indeed. . . u can never get a speed in tricks. . . . well, , , ,if u only wanna try then sure ur unlucky 4 nt being in india. . . . airtel has been hacked everywhere.. . . . .
Yungboss 2010/05/06 16:12
this life is pay n b on the go
TaLkInG-PEN 2010/05/11 07:21
Ankur0464: Do not run behind free, for better service you have to spend money, almost with every network.
In dis life, there are choices.
U have choosed urs, Please allow others to choose theirs.
Thank u
Kill-a-F 2010/05/14 12:41
Find a public wireless access points.. Those are free
EpIcInCoGnItO 2010/05/22 07:59
ther are choices.
U hav chosd urs,Plz alow othrs 2 chos thers
u always pay to get best servic
Raphael_DEmedion 2010/05/25 11:20
q0u d0nt c0ntr0l 0ne's waq 0f livinq-lqk we br0wse free,it d0snt mean,q0u q0nna qet addictd t0 it aldaq l0nq
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