The difference we can make ! by -UnCo- 2010/03/03 07:59
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-UnCo- 2010/03/03 08:00
here i am going to post some points by which we can make a real difference and to save this earth.
-UnCo- 2010/03/03 08:09
1.An air conditioner (2.5 tonne) used for am hour generates 3kg of CO2. BY going without air conditioning for an hour a day, we can prevent the release of 3 x 365=1095 kg of CO2 into the atmosphere per year.
-UnCo- 2010/03/03 08:11
2. A microwave oven used for am hour generates 1.3 kg of co2 . if we eat food without using our microwave to heat it , just for one hour a week, we can stop the release of 1.3 x 52 =67.6 kg of CO2 into the atmosphere per year.
-UnCo- 2010/03/03 08:14
3. A geyser used for am hour generates 3.3 kg of CO2 . if we cut down the use of the geyser by just one hour a day, we can stop the release of 3.3 x 365 = 1204.5 kg of CO2 into the atmosphere annually.
-UnCo- 2010/03/03 08:16
4. One dripping tap wastes 13 litres of water in a day. therefore the wastage of water in a year = 13 X 365 =4745 litres of water. if we fix a leaking tap we can Save 4745 litres of water per year.
-UnCo- 2010/03/03 08:22
5. Compact fluorescent lamps or CFLs use one-third of the electricity used by regular bulbs.

if every family in india replaces regular light bulbs with CFLs , 10000 MW of power could be saved.

-UnCo- 2010/03/03 08:25
6. One litre of retro produces about 1 kg of water vapour and 2.17 kg of CO2. walking, carpooling or using public transport, will rate at least two litres of petrol a week. this will stop the release of 2.17 x 2x52= 225.68 kg of CO2 into the atmosphere annually.
-UnCo- 2010/03/03 08:28
7. The estimated population of india in march 2008 was 1.13 billion. if each person plants one used in a lifetime, we can eliminate 1.13 billion ton of CO2 from the atmosphere .one used absorbs more than one ton of CO2 during its lifetime.
EllaiZa 2010/03/03 09:31
Nice inf0rmati0n...
-UnCo- 2010/03/03 14:21
thanks ellaiza and ankur
AmouR 2010/03/05 02:23
Nice info bro.
LittleDevil 2010/03/05 10:54
dont cut the tree's lol
Geet 2010/03/07 05:54
Use solar energy fr cooking, warming water and electricity nd save da Earth
Darkside 2010/03/14 13:24
Live green,its cool,smart and economical.
Soul.papa 2010/03/15 03:28
DareDevil 2010/11/04 17:19
Awesome topic ! Topic of the day !! /smiley
Kingaadi 2013/02/17 03:04
No bro u make .
Hareesh 2013/06/26 01:54
wt is ur name

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