Horoscope by AprilSnow 2010/03/01 14:28
Astrology is a science that studies the position of planets and stars in the sky in the belief that these could influence the affairs and fate of man.This assumption however has yet to be proven scientifically and is more popularly known as horoscope.Are you fond of reading horoscope?Do you believe it?Why or why not?
ANGERprincess 2010/09/16 02:09
S0metimes i read h0r0sc0pe bt, i am nt actually believe on it,
_dreamprince_ 2010/03/01 14:46
Ya i believe in them deeply.Its comes true in some ways and if v get it properly
ANGEL_OF_DREAMZ 2010/03/01 14:45
Yeah, i read my horoscopes, well i believe them if it sounds good, but either way, i'm just curious to read my horoscopes daily.
TheMouse 2010/03/01 23:40
I think those who read anybody's horoscope are supposed to read them as a correlation. Similar to reading a thermometer - it shows you what the temperature is, not which temperature the thermometer, through its influence, has decided on. With the horoscope, imagine it the same way. - the thing about 'influence' is, as far as I know, a common misunderstanding.
MisIndependent 2010/03/01 14:35
I stop reading those type of articles wen i once read about my zodiac sign on google nd it had a great effect on ma life. Nice topic sis. /smiley
-DeMoN_OvErLoRd- 2010/03/01 14:42
Dark world? But no i dont believe in it.....Horoscopes.
Elfuego 2010/03/01 15:27
Sometime it wrks
Twix 2010/03/01 15:48
Never gv a damn abt it..
GhAyAl 2010/03/01 15:56
I dnt bliv
Insenus_AmoR 2010/03/01 16:10
Nay.. I don.. /smiley
Riddle 2010/03/01 16:14
Yeah, great topic, i just feel like knowing it sometimes, and i dont have to believe it.
EllaiZa 2010/03/01 17:16
Way bAck c0llege I cnt let the day passes by without reading my h0r0sc0pe... even n0w when I catch the early tv news I am waiting the p0rti0n where there is a reading of h0r0sc0pe...well Im just kinda curi0us ab0ut it ... s0metimes I use it as my guide f0r the day if it says s0mething n0t g0od ab0ut my h0rosc0pe f0r the day... well n0thing to l0se if I w0uld believe it anyway.
Marlou 2010/03/02 06:12
Yeah, s0metimes i read my horoscope. Well, it d0esnt bothered me at all coz i d0nt believe in it.
Riddle 2010/08/31 22:50
I do read them, it is actually good to exhilarate the mind and think big sometimes.
integrity-daolyboy 2010/09/01 08:33
I hate them bt i wil read 1 nw
KiNg_SouL 2010/09/17 03:01
Im not fond of that @ all
Fluxion 2011/02/07 12:59
But no i dont believe in it.....Horoscopes.
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/02 08:19
I don't believe..
Tweetums 2019/06/11 03:21
I think horoscope should not be believed by any individuals as it makes the way for superstition and prevent you from starting hard work. I think one should always believe in hard work and nothing else.
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