** Run Program at Startup Only Once!! by
ROCKY13 2010/02/28 17:39
** Run Program at Startup Only Once!!
ROCKY13 2010/02/28 17:41
This hack allows you to run a program at startup only once.This hack also avoids the need of startup folder and the autorun is configured in the registry itself.In this hack the specified program runs only once at startup (Right after the first boot of configuration) and will not continue to run for the subsequent startups.Heres the hack .
ROCKY13 2010/02/28 17:41
1. Goto Run (Win+R)
2.Type regedit (without quotes) in the run dialogue box.
3. In the registry editor navigate to
ROCKY13 2010/02/28 17:41
4. Create the key Runonce
(The [Runonce] Key you create will remain in the registry for use with a new string value)
Create Data Type: REG_SZ [String Value]
Value Name: [Enter the Name of Program Executable]
Value Data: [Enter the Path to the Program Executable]
6. Exit Registry and Reboot
ROCKY13 2010/02/28 17:51
If you need to run the program at startup everytime then refer the following link: Run Program At Startup Without Using Startup Foldertopic id: 2161103
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