** Beware of Common Internet Scams n Frauds by
ROCKY13 2010/02/01 04:33
The term Internet Scam
or Internet Fraud refers
to any type of fraud
scheme that uses one or
more online services to
conduct fraudulent
activities. Internet fraud
can take place on
computer programs such
as chat rooms, e-mail,
message boards, or Web
sites. In this post I will
discuss about some of the
commonly conducted
scams and frauds across
the Internet.
ROCKY13 2010/02/01 04:34
1. Phishing Scam
This is one of the most
commonly used scam to
steal bank logins and
other types of
passwords on the
Internet. Phishing is the
criminally fraudulent
process of attempting to
acquire sensitive
information such as
usernames, passwords
and credit card details by
masquerading as a
trustworthy entity in an
electronic communication.
Phishing is typically carried
out by e-mail or instant
Example:You may receive
an email which claims to
have come from your
bank/financial institution/
online service provider
that asks you to click a
link and update your
account information.
When you click such a link
it will take you to a fake
page which exactly
resembles the original
ones. Here you ll be asked
to enter your personal
details such as username
and password. Once you
enter your personal
details they will be stolen
away. Such an email is
more than likely the type
of Internet scam known
as phishing. Phishing is
said to be highly effective
and has proved to have
more success rate since
most of the common
people fail to identify the
Most legitimate
companies never request
any kind of personal/
sensitive information via
email. So it is highly
recommended that you
DO NOT respond to such
fraudulent emails.
ROCKY13 2010/02/01 04:34
2. Nigerian Scams
This type of scam involves
sending emails (spam) to
people in bulk seeking
their help to access large
amount of money that
is held up in a foreign
bank account. This email
claims that in return for
the help you ll be
rewarded a percentage of
the fund that involves in
the transaction. Never
respond to these emails
since it s none other than
a scam.
ROCKY13 2010/02/01 04:36
In case if you respond to
these emails you will be
asked to deposit a small
amount of money (say
1-2% of the whole fund)
as an insurance or as an
advance payment for the
initialization of deal.
However once you deposit
the amount to the
scammer s account youll
not get any further
response from them and
you lose your money. In
fact The large amount of
money never exists and
the whole story is a trap
for innocent people who
are likely to become
victims. The scammers use
a variety of stories to
explain why they need
your help to access the
funds. The following are
some of the examples of
ROCKY13 2010/02/01 04:36
They may claim that
political climate or legal
issues preclude them from
accessing funds in a
foreign bank account
They may claim that the
person is a minor and
hence needs your help to
access the funds
They may claim that your
last name is the same as
that of the deceased
person who owned the
account and suggest that
you act as the Next of Kin
of this person in order to
gain access to the funds
ROCKY13 2010/02/01 04:37
3. Lottery Scams
This type of scam is
similar to the one
discussed above. In this
type you may receive an
email saying that you have
won a large sum of
money in online lottery
scheme (ex. UK Lottery)
even though you have not
participated in any such
schemes. The message
claims that your email ID
was selected randomly
from a lagre pool of IDs.
When you respond to
such emails they initially
ask for your complete
name and address so that
they can mail the cheque
accross to you. After
getting those details they
may also send you an
image of the cheque
drawn in your name and
address so as to confirm
the deal. But in order to
mail this cheque they
demand a small amount
of money as insurance/
shipping charge/tax in
return. However if you
send the amount in hope
to receive the cheque all
you get is nothing. You re
just trapped in a
wonderful scam scheme.
Thats it.
ROCKY13 2010/02/01 04:37
4. Other General
Scams and Frauds
The following are some of
the other types of scams
that you should be aware
In general, be aware of
unsolicited emails that:
1. Promise you money, jobs
or prizes
2. Ask you to provide
sensitive personal
3. Ask you to follow a link to
a website and log on to
an account.
4. Propose lucrative business
However it may seem to
be a difficult task for
novice Internet users to
identify such online
scams. Here are some of
the common signs of such
scam emails. By knowing
them it may help you
to stay away.
ROCKY13 2010/02/01 04:38
All these scam emails
never address you by your
name. In turn
they commonly address
you something like Dear
User or Dear Customer
etc. This is a clear
indication that the email is
a fraudulent one
When you observe the
email header you may
notice in the TO: Field
that, the same email is
forwarded to a large
group of people or the
TO: field appears blank.
So this confirms that the
email was not intended
particularly for you. It was
forwarded for a large
group of people and you
are one among them
I hope this post helps.
Express your opinions
through comments.
Wale22 2013/10/11 14:54
nice information
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