Trouble Destroyer by -DeMoN_OvErLoRd- 2010/01/28 10:31
Heres something thats aimed at all the trouble makers throughout 2wap, its something that you may not enjoy, but for those that are good, need not worry, you are safe! -evil-
-DeMoN_OvErLoRd- 2010/01/29 01:33
Quote: dreamland: Ok i will try all those words/smiley
Trust me they are not simply words, be careful how you use them! /smiley

_dreamprince_ 2010/01/29 01:21
Ok i will try all those words/smiley
latrine 2010/02/02 18:50
fie fi fo fum i smell the blood of a ... Oops wrong thread
OceanGoddes 2010/01/28 12:28
Be dam be dam, my power is cursin you, my power is hexin you, you are completely under my spell, be dam, be dam /smiley
Laketempest 2010/01/28 12:21
I wish to you, a tumble in a smoking stew. Black snake should catch you by the heel, and hornets get you when you kneel. Bedbugs eat at you at night, all goes wrong, nothing right. /smiley
OceanGoddes 2010/01/28 11:48
Choke, choke, choke, devils we evoke, thirst thirst, thirst, suffer till you burst, cry, cry, cry, try, try, try, die, die, die, /smiley
Laketempest 2010/01/28 11:44
/smiley demon, devil, begon from me, darken my abode no more.
-DeMoN_OvErLoRd- 2010/01/28 10:32
Alsi ku nushi ilani mushxti
Itti kunu alsi mushxtum kallatum kuttumtum
Alsi bararitum qablitum u namaritum
Ashshu kashshaptu u kashshipanni
Eli nitum ubbiraanni
Ili-ia u Ishtari-ia ushis-su-u-eli-ia
Eli ameri-ia amru-usanaku
Imdikula salalu musha u urra
Qu-u imtana-allu-u pi-ia
Upu unti pi-ia iprusu
Me mashtiti-ia umattu-u
Eli li nubu-u xiduti si-ipdi
Izizanimma ilani rabuti shima-a dababi
Dini dina alakti limda
Epu-ush salam kashshapi-ia u kashshapti-ia
Sha epishia u mushtepishti-ia
Is mass-ssarati sha mushi lipshuru ruxisha limnuti
Pisha lu-u ZAL.LU Lishanusha Lu-u Tabtu
Sha iqbu-u amat limutti-ia kima ZAL.LU litta-tuk
Sha ipushu kishpi kima Tabti lishxarmit
qi-ishrusha pu-uttu-ru ipshetusha xulluqu
Kal amatusha malla-a sseri
Ina qibit iqbu-u ilani mushxtum.

Laketempest 2010/01/28 10:39
/smiley damn the one that lives within, Keep him bothered by his sin, make his misery weigh him down and let him soon leave this town
-DeMoN_OvErLoRd- 2010/01/28 10:41
/smiley I like that one bro
Spoon 2010/01/28 10:43
Get back thee, Hai, thou impure one, thou abomination of Osiris! Thorth hath cut of thy head, and i have performed upon thee all the things which the company of Gods ordered concerning theein the matter of work of thy slaughter.Get thee back, thou abomination of Osiris, from the Neshmet boat . . . which advanceth with fair wind. Ye are holy, O all ye gods, and have cast down headlong the enemies of Osiris; the gods of Ta-ur shouts for joy. Get thee back, O thou eater of the ass, thou abomination of the god Haas who dwelleth in the underworld. I know thee, i know thee, i know thee, i know thee. who art thou? I am ......
Spoon 2010/01/28 10:45
On thy face, and devour me not, for i am pure, and i am with the time which cometh of itself. Thou shalt not come to me, O thou that comest without being invoked, and whose is unknown. I am the Lord of thy mouth, get thee back, thou and thy desires? Hail, Haas, with his flint Horus hath cut asunder thy members, and thou art destroyed within thy company, and thy bend is destroyed for thee by the company of thy gods who dwell in the cities Pe and Tep. He that slayeth there is in form of the eye of Horus, and i have driven thee away as thou wast advancing, and i have vanquished thee by the winds of my mouth. O thou eater of those who commit sins, who dost plunder and spoil, i have no sin; therefore let my palette and the writings with hostile charges be given unto me.

Spoon 2010/01/28 10:46
I give, do thou take according to what i order; snatch me not away, and eat me not, for i am the lord of life, the prince of the horizon

-DeMoN_OvErLoRd- 2010/01/28 10:48
/smiley yet more powerful words and eve more to come....
-DeMoN_OvErLoRd- 2010/01/28 14:41
Oh great and eternal virtue of the highest, which through thy disposition, these being called to judgment, Vaicheon, Stimulamaton, Esphares, Tetragrammaton, Olioram, Cryon, Esytion, Existion, Eriona, Onela, Brasim, Noym, Messias, Soter, Emanuel, Sabboth, Adonay, I worship thee, I invocate thee, I implore thee with all the strength of my mind, that by thee, my present Prayers, consecrations, and conjurations be hallowed and wheresoever wicked spirits are called, in the virtue of thy names, they may come together from every shore, and diligently fulfill the will of me the conjurer and my bretheren. Fiat, fiat, fiat, Amen.
Frayz-3 2010/02/01 20:12
I dnt get it!
Riddle 2010/08/23 00:45
Fluxion 2011/02/06 18:39
like that one bro
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2013/09/13 14:44
hehe..good one..
#34 Myth&Mystery
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