Laketempest 2009/12/27 21:09
In all ages and in all countries many bizarre, strange, and unusual practices have been employed in the burial and funeral rites of the deceased. Death is truly the GREAT UNKNOWN and, therefore, both fascinates and frightens us all. It is the ultimate goal of the black magician or sorceror.
The most common burial place the deceased in a coffin, from plain pine box to elaborate caskets covered and decorated with satin, velvet, or other flashy material. By natural association nails that have been taken from a coffin and then used in a magical evil spell are alleged to be more powerful than those using a new nail or pin. The concept is that whatever caused the death of the person from which the nail has been taken will transfer itself by contagious magic and will cause harm to another when struck into a symbolic image of ones enemy. Eg (DOLL SORCERY). Any black arts spell is said to gain potency when coffin nails are used in place of the pins generally prescribed.
PLEASE NOTE: Before undertaking any spells of evil, think seriously of the fact that any result obtained from the use of any ritual related is the sole responsibility of the magician, and unless one is willing to accept this obligation, one should not attempt magical means for solving ones vexations.
OceanGoddes 2009/12/27 21:31
Nails...but whre wud i get these nails if plan 2 do such lol kidn wit u nice info dear
RoseGirl 2009/12/27 22:58
This sound scary.. I dont know much from the Dark world.. I rather stay put..
EllaiZa 2009/12/28 06:58
Uhm interesting, where cAn I find th0se c0ffin nails, I'm just curi0us and decidd to try the black magic, but with y0ur help.. Lols, just by the th0ught of c0ffin it brings shiver to my spine
Laketempest 2009/12/28 15:12
ellaiZa: Uhm interesting, where cAn I find th0se c0ffin nails, I'm just curi0us and decidd to try the black magic, but with y0ur help.. Lols, just by the th0ught of c0ffin it brings shiver to my spine
dont try it. Grab a shovel and dig up some graves. Not with my help though. Im keeping my distance Lol
EloraM23 2009/12/28 18:33
The dead is definately something one shouldn't be messing with. Voodoo is also something one shouldn't be messing with unless you really know what your doing. Good info though.
Shush14 2010/01/08 19:26
I know where to get those nails...! And i m not joking i m really serious.
I do know how to do black magic. I am having black magic book.
Eternal_Knight 2010/01/10 16:46
Good info .... But what of hinduism they burn d dead so where will i get coffin nails if i want to practice black art..
ghostfreak 2010/06/27 14:14
i wont even atempt any tin called magic
Riddle 2010/06/28 16:46
RoseGirl: This sound scary.. I dont know much from the Dark world.. I rather stay put..
Laketempest 2011/01/06 00:07
Eternal_Knight: Good info .... But what of hinduism they burn d dead so where will i get coffin nails if i want to practice black art..
it is my advice that no one try black magic, but according to your question, the nails would have to be obtained from a coffin, meaning one that was buried.
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