Laketempest 2009/12/25 12:00
Also known as CONJURE DUST, this is one of the most forceful of all magical hexing elements. Legends abound regarding its powers when used for both good and evil. Graveyard dirt is often taken from specific graves, and it is believed that each kind has its own subtle differences and attributes... FOR EXAMPLE; Dirt from a murders grave is carried to protect oneself from assassination, or scattered in an enemys path to place him in danger. Dirt from an infants grave is carried by a pregnant woman to insure an easy birth and a healthy baby, but it is placed in the doorway of an unsuspecting expectant mother with the intent that the child will come long before its term. Dirt from a famous persons grave is taken with the feeling that the possessor of it will take on characteristics of the famed one. Their are lots of various ways to twist magical work with it...
pLEASE NOTE : care should be taken in attempting black magic spells for, if initiated without good cause, they can be turned against the instigator.
EllaiZa 2009/12/25 13:06
What else c0uld I say, y0u always bring inf0rmative, interesting t0pic bey0nd of my imaginati0n. And this one is surely a very nice inf0rmati0n. I learn many things up0n reading all y0ur t0pics of the things existing in the darkw0rld.
-linda- 2009/12/25 22:56
tq 4 sharing but i wont do tat, u wil put d soul of d dead rest unpeace n anyway black magic cn really take ur life n ur lover1 better keep it away 4rm ur life..U cn try ur best 2 get wat u wan rather den using black magic, if u cnt get wat u wan, at least u hv try ur best n sure dey r othr things waiting 4 u 2 xplore
_dreamprince_ 2009/12/26 10:12
Ya i agree with ur note or else the black magic will be on the same person
RedStar 2009/12/26 12:09
Hmm... Nice info.
jaQui 2009/12/27 20:33
what else
Frayz-3 2010/01/14 20:25
I dont believe in dat.
Riddle 2010/06/28 10:08
Great people go out of there way to make 2wapworld a great place.thanks a lot laketempest.......
Riddle 2010/08/22 10:59
Sexytum 2010/08/23 09:49
Interesting. But i don't believe in such things. I believe they are superstition.
Spektralflamez 2010/09/17 07:30
I guess thats what "NINJAS" use to displace themselves
Spektralflamez 2010/09/21 19:18
I need no magic dust cos i was born invincible
Fluxion 2011/02/07 13:07
Hmm... Nice info.
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