Kumz: I had one such dream...felt as if someone was touching me while I was asleep, from behind. Tried to open my eyes,but just cudnt! As if they were stuck! Cudnt move or turn around. I wss still being touched in a very scary way...like with sharp nails...
Finally opened my eyes but my neck was like it was stuck and cudnt turn around.Saw my room door which is usually locked,wide opened.
Tried to get up and run,but was frozen. I got SO scared that I woke up for real!! lol! I was sweating and just cudnt go back to sleep after that.
What touched my back MAY've just been my duvet...I dont think I wanna find out anyhow...lolz!
I had similar experiences. Think these are wat are called 'double waking' - ? But one night, I woke for real, reached out and touched an ice cold body next to me. Thought it was a corpse and was terrified. Found that my head had been lying on my arm, cutting off the blood circulation and causing it to become numb and cold (so, it couldn't feel the touch of my own hand!) but for one moment, it really felt like a dead person next to me. Ugh!