A Dream Within a Dream by TheMouse 2009/12/04 03:25
Have you ever had a dream in which you had a dream? And did you wake up from your dream within a dream thinking about what you had dreamed, not realising you were still dreaming?
Laketempest 2009/12/04 10:18
Well i had dreams that when i wake it unfold itself in reality.
NinthElement 2009/12/04 16:53
I've experienced that, I awoke from a dream in a hotel room and watched the news but it turned out that was a dream too.
HapPy-soul 2009/12/04 19:04
Im still dreaming /smiley
-linda- 2009/12/05 02:28
Yup ever experienced tat
Kumz 2009/12/07 13:35
I had one such dream...felt as if someone was touching me while I was asleep, from behind. Tried to open my eyes,but just cudnt! As if they were stuck! Cudnt move or turn around. I wss still being touched in a very scary way...like with sharp nails...

Finally opened my eyes but my neck was like it was stuck and cudnt turn around.Saw my room door which is usually locked,wide opened.

Tried to get up and run,but was frozen. I got SO scared that I woke up for real!! lol! I was sweating and just cudnt go back to sleep after that.

What touched my back MAY've just been my duvet...I dont think I wanna find out anyhow...lolz!

OceanGoddes 2009/12/07 17:03
Quote: Laketempest: Well i had dreams that when i wake it unfold itself in reality.
has also happend many tyms

TheMouse 2009/12/08 01:34
Quote: Kumz: I had one such dream...felt as if someone was touching me while I was asleep, from behind. Tried to open my eyes,but just cudnt! As if they were stuck! Cudnt move or turn around. I wss still being touched in a very scary way...like with sharp nails...

Finally opened my eyes but my neck was like it was stuck and cudnt turn around.Saw my room door which is usually locked,wide opened.

Tried to get up and run,but was frozen. I got SO scared that I woke up for real!! lol! I was sweating and just cudnt go back to sleep after that.

What touched my back MAY've just been my duvet...I dont think I wanna find out anyhow...lolz!
I had similar experiences. Think these are wat are called 'double waking' - ? But one night, I woke for real, reached out and touched an ice cold body next to me. Thought it was a corpse and was terrified. Found that my head had been lying on my arm, cutting off the blood circulation and causing it to become numb and cold (so, it couldn't feel the touch of my own hand!) but for one moment, it really felt like a dead person next to me. Ugh!

Kumz 2009/12/10 08:40
The weirdest thing happened to me the night I wrote the previous dream...Maybe cz I wrote it,it stayed in my mind even when I went to sleep...

I saw a bad bad dream which I cant remember...Woke up for real.It was almost 1.30am.Had fallen asleep again,fear still in my mind from the last dream.In my second dream, I was walking to my parents' room,to cuddle up to my mum.On my way, I saw my bro walking in thrugh the front door.He didnt see me. I went to my parent's room and mum was there and she hugged me and we both fell asleep.It felt SO REAL! Then it suddenly hit me that my mum was no more and I woke up again.

The weird thing is, my bro HAD come home just at that time. And I saw him come in thru the door!! What do you say about that,huh?? I was a bit shaken and was in two minds whether or not to write it here,cz I might see yet another bad dream tnyte.

The only good thing is, I felt my mum's arms around me,that nyte,as if it was real...!!!/smiley

Scofield1 2009/12/19 00:31
Is 2wap a dream?i cant tell
Eternal_Knight 2009/12/21 08:55
I have experienced that.. ..
ghostfreak 2010/06/27 13:43
am stil dreaming
Riddle 2010/06/28 10:17
Do mouse dream?
Riddle 2010/08/22 10:50
Quote: Ragnorak: I've experienced that, I awoke from a dream in a hotel room and watched the news but it turned out that was a dream too.
i guess thats somnabulation...

Riddle 2010/08/22 10:51
It is practically impossible
Fluxion 2011/02/06 18:40
Im still dreaming
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/02 08:44
Still dreaming....
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