Why are zombies scary? by
R49hu 2009/11/07 06:38
According to some south african and caribbean religions, a zombie is a dead person, who has been brought back o gee by a magician or sorcerer, and put to work like a slave. Many peoples belive that zombies eat, breath and move, but they cannot think of themselves ,and completely under the control of their master. Sounds scary, doesn't it? Zombies are common in haitian stories and folklore. In 1980, it was reported hat a women who had died in 1966 was seen wandering mindlessly through a village!!! In other such report , a female zombie, with a blank face, and dead eyes was found wandering near a road in haiti. She was identified by her father and brother as Felicia., who had died and buried in 1907. However, many researchers dismiss zombies as mere superstitions......
-DeMoN_OvErLoRd- 2009/11/07 08:24
Exactly, superstition Mambo Jumbo, Rubbish! Same as ghosts,Santa Clause and the easter Bunny and Religion! FACT FACTS SCIENTIFIC FACTS PLEASE.
STAIN 2009/11/07 09:29
Laketempest 2009/11/07 10:02
Hmmm. Im from the caribbean and thats not the caribbean theory on it though
TheMouse 2009/11/08 09:11
Yes, superstition, i'd say. Zombies, vampires, possessed black cats, demons, holy prophets and holy virgins. Nice stories, but if i want to do research i'll do it on something worthwhile.
Marlou 2009/11/28 11:25
Yes. It supertiti0us. Its an imaginati0n and it depends up0n each individual. There r s0me d0 n0t afraid of it even if its a scary as hell.
HapPy-soul 2009/12/04 21:16
A Zombie is a drunk person
OceanGoddes 2009/12/07 17:18
[quote=Laketempest]Hmmm. Im from the caribbean and thats not the caribbean theory on it though also frm caribbean & i wudnt say zombie!
ghostfreak 2010/06/27 13:30
those are aran nonsense
Riddle 2010/06/28 16:54
Not zombie... just ghost....
Princecharles 2010/07/28 14:04
They exist is d statement.some are real while oders are not.its wats u believe.its just like a witch.
Doubl-D 2010/07/29 19:36
They r all superstitions an nothing more
_cAT_EyEz_ 2010/07/30 01:15
weathr true or nt still s0undz nd l0okz scary..meow
beautifuldreamer 2010/08/13 05:06
zombies are scary to me because i believe, to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. zombies represent the exact opposite of what i believe. if a person were to come back after being dead, as a mindless zombie, what a horrific existence it would be. i much prefer to occupy my mind with the Truth, an continue believing once i leave this earthly shell, i will be present with my Lord.
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