How To Prevent Hacking of Your PC. by
Blaz 2009/10/12 07:15
There are many ways when a hacker would try to scam you into receiving a file etc, so that you will take the bait and help him with the trojan/virus installation on your hard disk drive. If you need just one way to stop being hacked, the best way is to install an all-in-one solution with anti-virus, firewall and anti-spyware solution.
I personally use Norton Internet Security and update our subscription when required. I recommend Norton for their years and track records in the anti-virus arena.
Aleen 2009/10/12 08:43
Great infos mate..
opened85 2009/10/12 13:41
Thanks. But I use KASPERSKY 2010 antivirus.
AcaJoe 2009/10/19 15:53
Try unplugging the power cord, much easier.
Password 2010/01/05 17:11
sorry but you cant prevent your pc to be hacked... u better try not to click every site you see... when someboddy really wants to hack you he gots by defect TCPIP open ports troyans spywares.... the best way is to surf carefully through internet keep the advice
matth4sure 2010/01/17 16:42
Pls where can i get norton software or any other powerful anti virus and hacker prevention and like how much it will cost. U can reach me on,
uppalcnu 2012/10/26 07:48
vry useful 4 newbies having pc
ACIDized 2012/11/10 15:30
Norton? seriously? Roflmao.
KingFISHER 2012/11/15 03:06
All paid & updated anti virus software are working properly.
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