#_New Rap Battles_# by Underground 2009/10/04 16:57
Been a long time since had head to head battles up in here. Pliz give suggestion on what we should have next for battles and if you think u can host it, pliz don hesitate infact it would be better to have a change in the hostin of the competition.
Underground 2009/10/04 17:01
I was thinkin of something similar to the SWAT & ASSASINS that we did a while back bt now maybe make it 3 teams battling it out for the numba one spot, bt this time there will be knock outs till we reach the top for the top 3 wicked emcees... Give yo views too.
Shaev7 2009/10/05 08:43
Yea,bt w8 am stil tinkin...
Shaev7 2009/10/05 20:45
Yea,sugestion box...i fink
1st...u gota spot da wackaz out n disolv em all
2nd...u gota delete wackpost by em,cuz it polutez da zone
3rd n finaly...any incomplet battl shuld also b deleted as wel as leavin da real thread n judge al battls constantly...i n ceejay's batl waz nt judge,also eljay n vendente,datz my own opnion..mur plese!

RaW-N-dIaBoLIcAL 2009/10/05 21:25
Blood spillin...nigaz lyk oh my GOD nt ME...MY SUGESTIONZ 'LL CUM SOON,DOH AM NEW!
El-jay 2009/10/06 19:57
Yea.all gud.i tink we shud hav a tournament 2 fish out da illest n da wikest.afta dat we cn go as far as invitin anoda rap battle site 2 batle wit us.we'l choose our best.n i agri wt shaev7,da zone shud b cleaned up frm unwanted threads n posts. Datz my idea.
Underground 2009/10/06 20:02
Good idea el-jay bt cant it really work?... i think battlin outsidaz can be great. We will have to look into that.
RaW-N-dIaBoLIcAL 2009/10/06 21:16
In suport 4da inter-site battl,we gota make it doper n iller...i fink,we gota do dat rite thin n akt rapidly
El-jay 2009/10/07 10:46
I think it'l work.bt 1st letz start wit a tournament...lyk evry raper registers, randomly fix em up,prob in groups(a,b,c...).wina battles d oda wina.da illest rapa getz da 1st positn.juz lyk a football tournament.wat do u think?
55cents 2009/10/08 14:01
Quote: Underground: I was thinkin of something similar to the SWAT & ASSASINS that we did a while back bt now maybe make it 3 teams battling it out for the numba one spot, bt this time there will be knock outs till we reach the top for the top 3 wicked emcees... Give yo views too.
we shud do it in pairs of 2 this time,a 2 on 2 match where each man spits 2 verse.

Shaev7 2009/10/09 18:02
Better any of em
Underground 2009/10/10 20:08
so what d u ppl propose n when should we start keepin dis place active? Am very eager bt am sure when it starts more will join. Pliz help in invitin more ppl, its harder if its me alone inboxin ppl to participate in tins ova ere... few dayz remainin b4 we start the lyrical slaughter.
RaW-N-dIaBoLIcAL 2009/10/12 15:36
Kipin da fame..huha,i nid any mc er 4slaughty,UNDAGROUND,quikfast.
Doofy... 2009/10/14 05:50
sign me in kids n jst inbox me whn da ish is beginnin OK...wit rules n evrythin...peace...
El-jay 2009/10/17 13:34
Man letz get smtin goin.more ideas'l cum.letz start smtin.unda,wat do u tink?
Underground 2009/10/17 14:26
Good point infact am aiming to start a new event the comming week n the stakes are higher since we need to also raise the bar abit higher. /smiley ideas r welcome.
#49 Rap BattleZ
Engage in lyrical battles with other 2wap rappers. Not for the easily-offended.