love songs by bedroom 2009/09/15 20:04
how do love songs affect yo life

Buffy 2009/09/15 21:08
Love song reminds me of people in my life. It might be One song for one friend or one song that reminds a group of friends or one song that reminds my organization in which i had precious memories or one song that reminds me of a lost love or a present love or one song that perks up my day or one song that reminds my dad and mom etc. Love songs last forever and it is a part of my life.
RoseGirl 2009/09/15 22:35
It brings back memories !
Laketempest 2009/09/16 01:45
It always bring back memories to me.
K_shaka 2009/09/16 03:33
Id rather listen 2 roots n culture than love songs.
opened85 2009/09/16 04:58
Quote: RoseGirl: It brings back memories !

Me too

RONI 2009/09/18 05:37
I cant explain but it does.
Sweet_Divyanka 2009/09/18 13:33
When I listen a love song who I now and I like,this makes me so said,so tender,hi reminds my all my life from the past.ooh!
coolmedian 2009/09/18 14:01
Wow love song
i like love song /smiley

din7 2009/09/18 15:21
Love sng so gd
coraykim_04 2009/09/19 13:22
i'll listen love song
if i am broken heart or sad

AprilSnow 2009/09/19 14:08
It reminds me of some1....
ARYAT 2009/09/20 05:39
Its gives me lov feeling
Bojoa_mastah 2009/09/20 06:56
It makes me sleep
jixie_08 2009/09/20 07:10
Always be my bAby by mariah , it reminds of my ex bf!
_-FiRe-PhOeNiX-_ 2009/09/20 07:31
Shael-soniye hireye... sad love song
Lovelink1434 2009/10/07 03:49
Love song is life time pass
Manal 2009/11/24 16:40
Remembering happy moments
Righteous 2009/11/24 19:18
No love
Phoebe3 2009/11/25 10:48
Rolling st. Angie
Samunited 2009/11/25 12:33
It touch my heart and love moral

Replies: 74

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