#-gh0stf0x vs rauj-# by Underground2009/08/26 23:01 Who's got game?! Show us whatchu made of! maximum of 3 verses per emcee. ...now do yo sh!t...
rauj2009/08/27 02:25 they call u ghostfox thats what i red they no need to cuz ur already dead
rauj2009/08/27 02:27 i'm not the best rapper but i'm better than u ur an animal go and get a toy to chew
rauj2009/08/27 02:34 move dog an make way for the winner am the next generation of the musical thriller
rauj2009/08/27 02:37 i eat animals like u for dinner get out here i ave nothing to fear ur a fox i rather be sacred of a dear
rauj2009/08/27 02:46 u never seen someone rap like talk like me ur just a wannabe hey yo am a rapper and i'm proud/ this is a rapping club so no animals allowed/
Underground2009/08/27 12:59 Try making the verse in one post, two maximum.
gh0stf0x2009/08/28 22:41 U jus sum new kid on d BLOCK/ wel bitch u in f0r a SHOCK./ cn tal ur m0uths biga than ur C0CK!/ haha make way 4 d WINNER?/ Bitch i eat lil b0ys lyk u 4 DINNER./ ur 'raps' a DISGRACE/ b0y u need to b put in ur PLACE./ u c0me ea wit ur nursery RHYME/ bitch u jus a waste of TIME./ musical thrilla o nigga PLEASE/ ure jus sum bitchass sum lil TEASE./ yea gh0stf0x mah NAME/ what u thnk this is a GAME?/ wel sit back an LEARN/ bitch im ea to ENTERTAIN./ damn rgt i aint seen n0 shxt lyk y0rs BEF0RE/ thats c0z i seen beta frm a 20 dolla h0oka WH0RE!/ wh0opz shudnt twk b0ut ur mama lyk THAT/ might jus gv u a HEARTATTACK./ cnt help it if she selz herslf CHEAP/ go lo0k rnd d c0rner shes 0n point STREET./ rapin club?! Wat bitch r u GAY!?/ we ea to rap n0t ea to fuken PLAY!
rauj2009/08/30 04:56 damn right the new kid on d block/ my rhymes spitt'n faster than an automatic glock/ make for what winner u can't even make a good dub/ u don't belong in here u belong to the animal club/man ur stupid rhymes r just all talk/let me put a leesh and take u for a walk/never try to dis a playa juz becuz he's new/cuz now i'm killing u with these rhymes u motherfucking fu/bitch i'm from jamaica/where's its all about the paypa/don't have time for animals like u you fucking player hatta/
rauj2009/08/30 05:08 i'm done with so get off the computer or the phone/oh i have a present for u here's a bone/go fetch bitch
gh0stf0x2009/09/01 19:05 Wil p0st in d m0rn wen gt sig
gh0stf0x2009/09/03 18:21 Dis a playa? U n0t a playa u a hater, cant stand bein dissd by a CHICK/ y0u.d swea im d 0ne wit d bigga DICK./ got bigga balz than u ,say wat i FEEL/ and dnt gv a fuck, dnt care who my w0rdz KILL./ unlike ur ma.s puss my rhymez r TIGHT/ wen ur dady fuckt her, he got a FRIGHT./ then ther alng u came an fel straight 0UT/ ur m0tha resentz u thatz y she drinkz milk STOUT./ evrytym ur m0tha held u she dropt u, lukn at ur face rackt her NERVES/ lukz lyk u got wat u DESERVED./ d s0ng u singn is getn OLD/ itz lyk listnin to a tale lrdy been TOLD./ gh0stf0x an animal? S0 d fuck WHAT?!/ jus get 0va it u stupid SLUT!/ o bitch PLEASE/ jus get dwn on ur KNEES,/ and PRAY/ coz i aint going n0wea! Im ea to STAY!/ R2
Underground2009/09/04 10:22 Think this battle took long enough n was super slow. Time 4 judgin no mo posts 4 d battlers
El-jay2009/09/04 21:33 well rauj seem 2 hav jumpd into d battle witout knowin wat we do here.his posts wer random.am sure he nw knows d sh%t.i hope he'l improv.i'l giv him 1/3.den ghostfox didnt rily tak dis guy serious cos o how he started so i'l giv a 2/3.
PyRoMaNiAc2010/06/07 18:48 yo who allowed 2 judge? Anyhow here how I saw it punch-ghost flow-ghost nameplay-rauj consistancy- ghost personals-ghost
verdict? i say ghost gt ths 1. wanna c u on th attack coz i thnk being a chick n on th deffence gv u sum advantage. rauj.. whn u broke up ur verse u lost flow n consistancy. plus u overplayd th animal punch