BBQ Duffle Up by
N3IGHTOR 2009/08/04 18:38
I smell sum' beef around ere! Underground and Millian r cooking. Time to eat it up dawgs... Drop ur sickest lines and let us see wu da best.
N3IGHTOR 2009/08/04 18:41
Da beef is laid out... Lets c wu can byt da biggest piece
. No vegetarians allowd!!
millian 2009/08/05 04:31
I hope Undergound doesnt use his MOD status to cheat . . . . lyk da bitch he is
millian 2009/08/05 04:49
No Misconception,- This is to da BITCH UNDERGROUND/ Millian comin thru, a STORM~ABOUND/ Callin all emcee's CALL~DA~HOUNDS/ Life'a a CIRCUS lol tym to desTROY~DA~CLOWNS/ First I saw ur flows was lyk HE's~AIGHT/ Rhymes a lil off but HE's~GAT~SPITE/ Then U came on Mill da DAWG lyk FLEAS~N~FLIES/ Thanx NKUKS for da BBQ, someone BRING~DA~KNIFE/ Amma cut thru this FUCKIN'~LOSER/ Store his body parts in a FUCKIN'~COOLER/ CLUB this CAVEMAN he's like FUCKIN'~OOH~AAH/ Lol that was a Punchline did I FUCKIN'~LOSE~YA?/ Nkuks said no VegeTARIANS/ So amma kick ur ass all da way to LiBERIA/ I'm ill Bitch it's like I git MaLARIA/ Makin me lose MA~COOL/ Sneez on ur weakass verses like A~CHOO/ I ill I got d flu U just A~FLUKE/ I hate losers full A~BULL/ Mill's always ready for SOME~MORE~BEEF/ M.O.D thinks he's G.O.D, ONE~WORD~ - - -~BITCH/ Leave 2wap we'd b BETTER~OFF/ Thinks this a catfight, WHERE~DA~CLAWS?/ I park da HEAT n FETCH~MA~DAWGS/ U Undergound? LMAO thats an IRONY like LEATHER~SOFT! BIATCH!!!
Underground 2009/08/05 09:13
millian: I hope Undergound doesnt use his MOD status to cheat . . . . lyk da bitch he is
Dont wet yo pants bitch, my status aint got nuthin to do wit yo whackness...
Underground 2009/08/05 09:40
Wheres the beef bro?I aint SEEN IT:but since u BRINGING IT, i might as well take a BITE of IT:took a dump on dis bitch n he still fuckin ATE IT:you aint gotta smell shxt to know how bad u are,jus open yo mouth n have a SMELL of IT:dont give a fuck bout yo crew, even alone i can fuckin BEAT IT:you got no street CREDIBILITY, mill out here u just a PENNY:in rap you aint tight or shxt u like a hookers PUNANNY:tilde or no tilde you still mo whack than ma GRANNY:pliz don talk bout money coz yo still fed by yo MUMMY:trying to prove u HARDY!,when u still sleep with a TEDDY:next time b4 u test me,get rid of that PUSSY:to rap u aint tight, you looser than yo MUMS PUSSY:am down right FILTHY, n ma shxt iz mo DIRTY n UGLY:have another moment with yo pillow, heard it where u lost yo VIRGINITY:come back with harder shxt, not this weak ass SIMPLICITY...
N3IGHTOR 2009/08/05 19:00
Wow dats creative underground!
N3IGHTOR 2009/08/05 19:05
Oh my bad, ddnt c dat verse...
these guys r da illest emcees up in here but there must b 1 k.i.n.g.
Sivakumar 2009/08/06 14:16
I support underground.
Sivakumar 2009/08/07 03:00
Dont wet yo pants bitch, my status aint got nuthin to do wit yo whackness...
N3IGHTOR 2009/08/07 20:28
Guys ran outa rhymes? Damn dat was so quick
Underground 2009/08/08 00:15
Can kill mill a-mill TIMES/I neva run out of RHYMES/they just add up with passing TIMES/infact I set RHYMES up in FLAMES/while this bitch like calling NAMES/I roll punchez n end hiz GAMES/bitch am WILD, you are TAME/my rhyme is SKILLED, your rhyme is STALE/your style was KILLED, mine 's still ALIVE/u had yo time to have a COME BACK/seems my last verse made u STUCK/bitch you fuckin CHOKED UP/punchlines got you FUCKED UP/am gonna still beat yo ass even if yo get BACKED UP/get another hobby coz this one you just MESSED UP/you aint no CRAZY MOTHERFUCKER/you just a LAZY COCK-SUCKER/am the rap game MAKER and you just another rap game FAKER/aint none that iz GREATER/test me and end in a CRATER/am yo TEACHER, better yet bitch call me MASTER...
Underground 2009/08/08 00:21
Got no time 4 this bitch... why order beef you cant finnish, that break was too long for a battle n still he got no come back...
Zebat07 2009/08/22 14:57
Givin it 2 underground,cos i like de way dat brother sound,killin dat mill mak him loze his mother toung,wit dose heve pouch line,soon he wont knw wer is realy from..hmmm i tink dat dud is outoff forme.
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