Where is the god ? by StashMac 2009/07/26 08:04
I had put this question bcz the new generation people is knowing this question or not?

opened85 2009/07/26 09:29
God is always here. He always works, looking for lose lamb..I hope u agree with me..
Saintless 2009/07/26 10:00
God is everywhere because God is in our heart.. If we are in pain and we need someone to hear our cries, God is a good listener and God will mend our pain..
omonowasa 2009/07/26 15:33
God sits right on the throne of our hearts. We're d temple of God
Pheonix159 2009/07/26 15:38
GOD is everywher...HE is a soul...n in each n everyone's heart...
fidah_eee040 2009/07/26 19:19
in my sense the god is none but ALLAH...& i think He is just in our mind & on our soul ..........He is everywhere..
ZE_ROSS 2009/07/29 14:58
He's every where in every thing
,yet He has no house.
He feed everyone ,
yet He has no stomach.
He rules over the world ,
yet He has no hagiarchy.
He is apparent,
yet a mystery.
He is one master,
yet a dearer than a friend.
He is easy
yet hard to understand Him

jaQui 2009/12/11 09:26
Alwayz All over
DotmonKing 2009/12/12 16:32
Allah is in the Heavens. He oversees the activities on the Heavens and the Earth and all that's inbetween. Allah has power over all things
Nibras 2009/12/12 16:41
God is Everywhere.
-DeMoN_OvErLoRd- 2009/12/12 17:06
Has anybody seen him or her recently, lets say in the last 2000 years or so? /smiley
-DeMoN_OvErLoRd- 2009/12/14 00:21
Quote: Eddy33:

has anybody seen the demon in that time
yet so obsessed by it
Nobody has seen him right?/smiley Never will either /smiley But seeing as you believe in it and jinns etc..heres whats waiting for you as you continue your hateful path. /smiley

DotmonKing 2009/12/14 08:56
Quote: -DeMoN_OvErLoRd-: Has anybody seen him or her recently, lets say in the last 2000 years or so? /smiley

Quote: Eddy33:

has anybody seen the demon in that time
yet so obsessed by it
i think eddy gave you the best reply.
And then there's no need of u asking if anybody has seen God. Its a basic fact that nobody will ever see God during his life time.

-DeMoN_OvErLoRd- 2009/12/14 11:27
Quote: DotmonKing:
i think eddy gave you the best reply.
And then there's no need of u asking if anybody has seen God. Its a basic fact that nobody will ever see God during his life time.
He gave a ridiculous reply.....and nobody will see it after this life either. /smiley

DotmonKing 2009/12/15 00:34
Quote: -DeMoN_OvErLoRd-: He gave a ridiculous reply.....and nobody will see it after this life either. /smiley
then perhaps you could wish death upon urself

-DeMoN_OvErLoRd- 2009/12/15 00:50
Quote: DotmonKing: then perhaps you could wish death upon urself
Still Insulting I see..no ...Death id for violent people..you ever heard of"Live by the sword, die by the sword" Its a concept you should remember! /smiley

LoneLy_heArt 2009/12/15 04:07
DotmonKing 2009/12/15 17:04
Quote: -DeMoN_OvErLoRd-: Still Insulting I see..no ...Death id for violent people..you ever heard of"Live by the sword, die by the sword" Its a concept you should remember! /smiley
so for me to ask you to wish urself death is an insult? Wow i never knew that.

Nick 2009/12/16 16:13
hmm, god in my home. u can see him now. well come to my home. i waiting u
Hen17 2009/12/16 16:53
Our GOD is Omnipresent,Omniscience and Omnipotent
Muwale 2009/12/17 01:28
God is omnipresent that is He is present everywhere.
Replies: 40

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