INITIATION by Underground 2009/07/17 16:57
Noticed wanabees r tryin to take ova dis place with they weak ass punchlines n they stupid rhymes n flow. SO THIS THREAD IZ TO GET ON DEM BITCHEZ. LETS STEP ON THEY DIGNITY N SHOW EM' HOW IT GOES DOWN *warning! any quoting n plain posts will be deleted*
Underground 2009/07/17 18:10
hip-hop iz life n this is tha philosophy/its a way of life which makes rap a royalty/if u aint no rapper we dont need yo shxt in this royal family/am loaded with punchlinez n they come so heavily/if u mess with my rap family/am gonna kill yo crapy family/n thats just a taste coz I react so crazily/u just a krayzy bitch/n yo rugged rap need more than jst a stitch/u aint worh shxt as a rapper/so don try act like a gangster/come with a gun, I hit u wit a claw hammer/a aint gon say am a gangster/but am a straight up hustler/test me n see why the slum iz more hardcore than a ghetto motherfucker/cant say this iz jst a taste coz u aint seen nuthin yet/call me the rap torturer n u are my pet/l be yo rap master n to me u jst a fuckin puppet...
Shaev7 2009/07/17 23:17
Undaground,u strtd again wt ur ceaslesflo/i wonda hu u referin 2,dat niga must b in deep moan/yea,i agre wt u,fake cartz ar in er/we gota sho em what da hel rap is n nt juz yel/rap ain speech or luvstories/its a conversation n warnin as heavy as lories/we ain 4psychs or watch toystories/we er 4buzinez bagged wt hustlas-stories/how da hel dey gon beat dat wen my heart is ful of rapz/day n 9t i breaths n kipz me alive man ma sh!t is tight/chekout da game fr da onset we lack rappaz/nigaz hopin er tryn2rap bt they wack wrappaz/i dnt gv a fuck,i got evryrite 2remain violence/if my words re 2hard,its gon b used against u nt me so u gota b silence/am flexible,i cn break,am schlerechyma i got resilience/rep my GAME,am da hall of FAME,cal me shaev7 da VILLAIN,al i do is use my wordz 2make nigaz go INSANE../smiley
HNIC7 2009/07/19 21:43
HNIC7 came in2 dis game/no shaming hw i spit ds blames/i won't claim up 4 peny fame/am stil d same u kno ma name/fuck carts in er dey wack n insane/unda,kip hitin da bitch frm behind til she screams 'it hurt n pains'!/oh my GOD wackstaz cal emselvz rapstaz bt dey cn draw da curtain on da stage/datz fuckd u,da baru zone is facin recession n nids a change/i got da keys wt me bt ima bring em wt gage/no money,no change/no distance,no range/its clear n lets getup n dnt sit lyk woman in ha old age/we cumin 2rais 2wap rapbatlezone dis tym wt great fame/juz get ur knife n ur plates/wt ur legs crosd on ur chair yl u eatin cabbage/wink ur eyes da whole game wil b in my name! /smiley
_CasAnoVa_ 2009/08/20 21:01
yourl punks hav it cumin! its only a matter of time be4 i get my rap name back!
#49 Rap BattleZ
Engage in lyrical battles with other 2wap rappers. Not for the easily-offended.