> Hide your Important/Adult files- 1 more secret! by ROCKY13 2009/02/09 07:23
Hi friends. You always are in the search of various amazing tricks which helps you to hide the important folders. This is a simple but a cool trick which will help you gain command over your data in the folders.
ROCKY13 2009/02/09 07:24
a) First open command prompt .
b) Then type attrib +s +h path of the file.
E.g. Attrib +s+h c: example Darani
c) And surprise the file will be hidden.

This will hide the file.

a) Again open command prompt.
b) Then type attrib s -h path of the file.
E.g. Attrib s-h c: example Darani
c) And you will again gain the file.

So njoy hide and seek....

-StingRay- 2009/02/09 16:28
-StingRay- 2009/02/09 16:30
Convinient to use winrar and archieve it with pwd /smiley
Heavens_DeviL 2009/02/10 04:59
Any1 with little knowledge about DOS can do that. ITS NOT A SECRET. what u did is change the attributes of file using command prompt. thats all ! Good for newbies anyway
Amu 2009/02/10 13:22
its attrib -s -h file path to unhide it..you could make some poor noob hide his files and then wondering how to get them back /smiley
Someone 2009/02/11 10:28
Quote: Heavens_DeviL: Any1 with little knowledge about DOS can do that. ITS NOT A SECRET.
/smiley Agree.

allexclusive 2009/02/11 21:05
a) First open command prompt .
b) Then type attrib +s +h path of the file.
E.g. Attrib +s+h c: example Darani
c) And surprise the file will be hidden.

This will hide the file.

a) Again open command prompt.
b) Then type attrib s -h path of the file.
E.g. Attrib s-h c: example Darani
c) And you will again gain the file.

So njoy hide and seek....

is not it attrib -s -h?
anyway write 1 full path example copying from ur file explorer

Heavens_DeviL 2009/02/13 03:45
Quote: Anshul: Right click on fliename and select properties and make it hide from there

Much convenient way 2 do the same thing mentioned in the thread. Lol /smiley

Amu 2009/02/14 00:05
im hiding a folder with this method..a good file/folder hiding tenchinque is the one which not only hides your files but denies any access to them.. i mean even if your files are hidden with lets say the right click properties thing, your files are still accesible..like someone can play your porn clip from recently played videos list under FILE menu in WMP..i used to have a batch file you double-clicked it, a DOS window opened, u entered da password(set in da batch file by opening it in notepad), n it created a folder for u..just keep ur files there, double click da batch file again n it hides da locker n da files becum inaccesible..even if its showing in ur recent documents it wont open..lost it with my old hard disk but im sure its just a google search away
Amu 2009/02/14 00:08
and if u r really paranoid u can hide da batch file with ur properties method /smiley
Amu 2009/02/14 00:30
K i thot I'd attach the notpad file here.. just open it.. change the text "type your password here" into your desired password and save the file as .bat ..any name will do.. basically it uses the same ms-dos principle as rocky posted..theres another version of this method doing rounds where u have to create 2 batch files..this just combines the whole thing n makes it simpler..iv tried everything n i find this the most convenient
rymac 2009/02/23 09:43
oh ok i d0n't try it thanks
LeLouCHe 2009/02/23 11:35
Why dont you just rename it to unsuspected title or move it to WINDOWS folder? Definitely there would be non any bother to open that folder /smiley
lilm 2009/03/05 21:59
TULIKA 2010/04/05 07:04
it is not a secret
Nazish88 2010/04/07 08:07
Quote: -StingRay-: Convinient to use winrar and archieve it with pwd /smiley
wot if u hav the collection in gbs lol

Darkside 2010/04/07 09:54
Zip the folder with a password.change the extention from .zip to .bat and rename it e.g win69.bat and put in the windows system folder.to open change the name and extention back and unzip.download and install ccleaner to erase a resently played files and folder paths from your pc.
TaLkInG-PEN 2010/04/10 06:59
Yungboss 2010/05/06 16:01
Wil try it
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