Key/certif. requests + OPDA {Tut} by NinthElement2008/12/25 13:10 Any key/certificate requests must be posted here. Please be patient as these require the time and goodwill of others. Keygen files are prohibited.
pc signer apps attached
allexclusive2010/06/10 02:18 Here are some screehshots to assist. CLICK THE THUMBNAILS TO SEE THE REAL SIZE {RIGHT CLICK TO OPEN IN A NEW WINDOW & BYPASS 2WAP PROXY}
Go to
Mobile signer software is attached. Edit mobile date back to 17/4/2009 or something like that or it will show expired certif while installing. After installation edit your date back to origingal
allexclusive2010/06/10 02:25 I got it immediately from another source too! ; though it may take max 3hrs. !
now i guide you to get your certificate and key from And you'll get your cer after 3 hours./ Instantly
Now let you go to imobile website at And do this steps.
Step 1: Register an account.
Fill in the required fields in register form as screenshot.
With simple register and very fast, and successful. Next Step 2
Step 2: Apply your imei
After register successful, the system redirect you to this location. Klick the green button
And now you will enter your imei in textbox, then klick button.
Quote: Daredevil: Or robguard would work too if you find its Key
Certif only here. For any apps key you can pm with details
cyrax2010/06/17 17:54 h0h0 like this..haha i wont try later
KaKasHi-X2010/06/18 05:50 i need the cert 4 my 5800xm, emei 354182025087568
allexclusive2010/06/18 08:40 TO ALL MOBILE certif SEEKERS- I GOT IT INSTANTLY YESTERDAY FROM OPDA AND ALSO DOWNLOADED MOBILE SIGNER -WITH IT I SIGNED HELOOX2 AND INSTALLED. The whole process took 5 to 7 mins. (obviously i registered there be4) - i used opera mini 4.2 to download
Gonna attach the signer in 1st post