~Share Ring tones~ by UnFoRgIvEn2 2008/12/24 23:17
Utilize this thread for uploading/downloading your ring tones.
If its some regional (other than English), kindly specify the associated language alongside.:)

For downloading Ring tones see this also!

Sweetnipplez 2008/12/25 16:44
Greatest hits/smiley
Rishabh39 2008/12/25 17:58
some sound effect tones
UnFoRgIvEn2 2008/12/26 03:44
Lil Wayne - Lollipop!
Shahdil 2008/12/27 05:10
Hell_bound 2008/12/28 01:45
Yup peterpan-kisah cintaku yawz !
Shahdil 2008/12/28 17:04
Shahdil 2008/12/28 17:14
Dhoom 3-Xclusive
Hell_bound 2009/01/02 06:40
Shahdil 2009/01/15 11:45
Shahdil 2009/01/19 11:48
dhoom vs addictive
Shahdil 2009/01/20 11:46
Fox 2009/01/20 14:56
I cant uplet it on my 3110nokia.pls help.
Shahdil 2009/01/20 19:01
Im using the same phone Fox but i can upload.. You can't upload the files which are more than 300kb...
Shahdil 2009/01/21 20:26
Shahdil 2009/01/22 07:41
9mm_Gun sound
bad-apple 2009/01/27 09:14
i wil try to upload after much time.
Shahdil 2009/01/27 19:25
-SwEeThArT- 2009/02/01 22:55
cute nokia flute
Badboy89 2009/02/16 10:58
low - chipmunk
Badboy89 2009/02/16 11:08
bad day - chipmunk
Replies: 54

#69 Phones/PCs/Apps
For phones, computing, consoles, gadgets, & internet talk, plus share apps & other files.