FREE SMS ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD FREE by deewinc 2008/12/16 08:39

deewinc 2008/12/16 08:42
free texting to any place anywhere and past the 160 characters sms limit...
deewinc 2008/12/16 08:46
i recomend the use of opera browsers or any other java or sis browser that can switch off images coz the site is ad supported...
hazrien 2008/12/16 11:11
is it truE?
deewinc 2008/12/16 13:07
false? try it...its the best!
zalbahe 2008/12/16 15:43
yes its cool, im using mjoy alm0st 1m0nth..
deewinc 2008/12/17 14:36
you can add contacts in international format...and save
ndufrancis 2008/12/17 21:14
re u sure
Elow 2008/12/18 07:14
Dus it worl 4 nigeria too
Farhurricane 2008/12/18 07:55
It didnt work 4 me
Vinno 2008/12/19 06:46
It is not working i cant even register.
tahawk 2008/12/20 02:18
Nice site.. Very tanx for sharing..
Dave 2008/12/20 07:42
Can one send text witout bin charged?someone pls tel me
deewinc 2008/12/20 15:53
it dosent work to and in some far i know of tanzania...
deewinc 2008/12/20 15:55
Dave u only get charged for i advice the use of operamini or turn off images on your browser to reduce on data transfered and time...hence the cost
jimy 2008/12/21 11:28
i d0n't understand
Lycko_Chizo 2008/12/21 14:11
How can i send sms for free? Help me pls.
deewinc 2008/12/21 16:51
lyko u dnt need OM but i recommend it.
Shaev7 2008/12/21 22:03
Hop it workz?
hardcore 2008/12/22 10:59
@alL u neEd om.2.06 to use mjoy. F0r fast br0wsing ,, ,the setting is depends to y0ur c0untry. . .Tried and testeD 4 me.
azlan26 2008/12/24 05:22 reg there
Replies: 52

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