Love spells :) by LewAlimb2008/08/26 07:04 Any one knows love spell pls write here..I need it for my love..She hates me i want to press love button to switch her on lmao -grind-
Mc-PamV2008/08/27 00:16 Love spells are wrong to do,and can turn bad in some ways but I will look it up in my files,because I have all sorts of spells
Mc-PamV2008/08/28 20:56 Casting love spells isn't about turning frogs into handsome or hot young men or woman.Nor do u simply pick out Mr/Mrs.Right and then bewitch him/her into ur arms.Instead,real love magic helps u to focus on the qualities u would like to attract.The right person-whoever that might be-will then come to u.
Mc-PamV2008/08/28 21:04 Draw love into ur life: Love magic should not be used to bend some1 else to ur will,or coerce them without their knowledge or consent.If u bear this in mind when weaving ur spells,u can be sure that the partner u find is truly destined to be ur soulmate.
Mc-PamV2008/08/28 21:09 To attract a new lover into ur life,u will need: A pienk candle,Lavender,neroli and/or ylang ylang essential oils,a sheet of pink paper.
Mc-PamV2008/08/28 21:16 (1)"Describe ur ideal lover:When u wish to attrackt a new lover into ur life,make a list of their ideal qualities on a sheet of pink paper.Never name a specific person,however,even if u do have a dream lover in mind.
Mc-PamV2008/08/28 21:23 (2)ANOINT UR CANDLE: Mix together sensual essential oils such as Lavender,neroli, and ylang ylang and rub these into a pink candle.Place the candle over the piece of paper on which u wrote ur desired partner's qualities.
Mc-PamV2008/08/28 21:27 (3)FOCUS ON UR LOVE WHICH: Light ur candle every evenining,Starting on a Friday when the moon is nearly full.For a minute or so,think of the kind of person u would like to attract.
Mc-PamV2008/08/28 21:33 (4)WAIT FOR UR SPELL TO WORK: While u wait for ur lover to appear,keep healthy,stay happy and be patient.Your whiches can take time to reach the man/woman of ur dreams but if it's going to be good,it's certainly worth waiting for-we sometimes have to kiss an awful lot of toads before we find the magic frog!
Mc-PamV2008/08/28 21:36 TAKE NOTES: Be careful how u word ur list- a rich,handsome/hot lover may not necessarily treat u well.
Mc-PamV2008/08/28 21:40 Ok now just make sure u understand what I said to u before casting the spell,u must know what u are doing or else it can backfire and then u have problems.but good luck hope u get it right.
Mc-PamV2008/08/29 05:32 -Hehe-dont think any1 will u seem to be nice enough
LewAlimb2008/08/30 13:34 Thanks a load mc pamv..What are those oil and where on earth 2gt them?Any specific time 2do whole exercise,like in the night or day or anytime do works? /fairy child
JUCY_LUCY2008/08/31 06:28 Why must u get all of those stuff for a love spell?Why dnt u just go on ur knees to pray2God to send u sum1 that will love u for u?Whatever u project in2the universe u will get back ten fold in misery.Prayer works and God gives us everything according to our needs thru his will.A love spell is forcing ur will.No i dnt think u shud do that.
Mc-PamV2008/09/02 12:31 The oils u can get at any flea market who sells oils and canles,and u have to start on a friday night when the moon is full and then light it again every night the same time u did on friday night. I'ts ur decision,ur a grown man and know whats the dif between right and wrong,I'm not saying that u should or should not do the spell because its ur own free will to do what u want but I never mess with spells,even if it's love spells. Ur choice!!!
LewAlimb2008/09/04 17:40 Rosegl its not 4her. She got out of my mind and heart since last week lmao..My love last hardly for a week 4one girl..I love 2discover new world every week,conquared and march