ghosts? by mystiq_angel 2008/06/11 17:28
Do u believ in ghosts..f so,y and f nt,y puting each otha down and evry1s oppinion is welcome..

redbLue 2008/06/12 08:18
I only hears they whispering..
Colson 2008/06/12 08:52
I think its just imagination
-linda- 2008/06/12 12:15
I believe there is cz my frnd hv been posses by it 2x /smiley
-SwEeThArT- 2008/06/13 04:04
The mOre u think abOut it...the mOre it may cOme crOsS in yOur mind....Well.......what do u think abOut the 'shadOw' behind the guy?Have a loOk...
U-F-O 2008/06/13 11:56
No. I don't believe in ghost but in alien /smiley he he /smiley
Angel_of_darknes 2008/06/13 12:42
Yes, coz iam a ghost
GinnyPotter 2008/06/18 19:36
Dnt believe in ghosts.
-SwEeThArT- 2008/07/02 22:08
/smiley /smiley they mite following u?..........
KingFISHER 2008/07/03 06:41
No nd nvr.
Shahdil 2008/07/07 09:56
sometimes i don't but sometimes i do,.!
lIVINg_fOSSIl 2008/07/07 10:25
Ya'll dont? Wtf ! Then who m i?/smiley
BuShBaBy 2008/07/09 05:29
There are things around bt it aint ghosts eather angles or demons
ViZaRD 2008/07/24 06:07
I believe..
Darkseeker92 2008/07/24 15:16
Yes i believe wif gh0st but n0t at all...
Darkseeker92 2008/07/25 00:08
N0p i dnt believe it c0z i neva saw it...
Password 2008/12/06 08:42
Of course... i have seen one in my house /smiley
faby 2008/12/12 21:34
i do believe in ghost
Tomb-Raider 2008/12/23 15:55
Ive seen a ghost at my old house on a farm it was a farmers wife she sat on the end of the bed and stared at me
Sivakumar 2009/08/08 11:29
I think its just imagination
@Moon_boy@ 2010/05/02 16:14
Yeah I believe in ghosts
Replies: 22

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