SUICIDE OR WHAT IS IT? by deewinc 2008/05/28 23:01
in central kenya, there is a district where every week, no less than 60 people do commit suicide...most of them do get high on drugs b4 doing such a some were interviewed on t.v when they were sober n they say they do want to kill themselves.

deewinc 2008/05/28 23:03
reason? they just feel so...n they dnt knw y...they are youths mostly with g00d families bt they dnt knw y they want 2 die...
deewinc 2008/05/28 23:04
whats the reason?
bad-apple 2008/05/28 23:30
lets go to kenya and ask them.
Colson 2008/05/29 01:02
Maybe they dont follow! Is God with them?
zhEirA 2008/05/29 04:48
prObAbLy., dey r jzt depressed and wen dey g0t high on drugz dey do wat dey wantd 2 do w/o thnkng..
Wolfman 2008/05/29 09:43
We all experience times wen we feel that way. U just need gud friends to get u thru it.
deewinc 2008/05/29 23:34
n0pe they okay...they just feel so...even one said he was so blessed with a family n a wife of one...only a week later to hang himself...yet he was sober...
Amarylis 2008/05/31 12:29
They are ill-disciplined and therefore cant face life
Password 2008/12/06 09:02
Its werid... It would be interesting to know...
Unpretty_Marie 2008/12/08 10:18
Weird., i wanna kn0w why they're d0in' that.. But one thing for sure, they dunno God..
gRim_ReapeR 2008/12/08 21:15
it hasnt actualy got anything 2 do with not knowing god, bcuz about a year ago, i wanted 2 commit suicide, nd i was nd stil am a devoted christian. there, now everyone knows my darkest secret.
faby 2008/12/12 21:27
i dont know, thats kinda weird
fu9it1v3 2009/01/06 23:40
thats interesting, have tried psychiatrist medication?
WhizzarD 2009/01/14 14:04
Hmmm sry 4 dm al mayb dy r al frustrated
Password 2009/01/14 18:40
thats sad... bt the reasons must be werid... 60 people a week?....
Arsenesholer 2009/02/02 03:22
1 word OBAMA is dat not a reason 2 stay alive bt if they stil wanna kil themselves wtf cares
Buffy 2009/08/26 15:37
Drug addicts don't get old cause they die young. When they are drugged they are out of their senses. Thats when they try suicide without knowin it.
MaDdY 2009/08/28 16:07
government must take it serious
GhAyAl 2009/09/06 14:57
Quote: bad-apple: lets go to kenya and ask them.
what an idea sir ji . . .lets go

Spoon 2009/09/11 02:52
that is a lot of ppl a week do u know if there was anything most of them had in common? r they all from same area or same belief? anything at all that they do thats similar aprt from the suicide of course
Replies: 25

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