Little Johnny does it again: by ShArOn 2008/05/25 06:40
Little Johnny watched his dad's car pass by the school playground and go into the woods.Curious he followed the car and

ShArOn 2008/05/25 06:42
saw Daddy and Aunt Jane in a passionate embrace.
ShArOn 2008/05/25 06:45
Little Johnny found this so exciting that he could hardly contain himself as he ran home and started to tell is mother.
ShArOn 2008/05/25 06:48
"Mommy,i was at the playground and i saw Daddy's car go into the woods with Aunty Jane.I went to look and he was giving
ShArOn 2008/05/25 06:51
Aunty Jane a big kiss,and then he helped her take off her shirt.Then Aunty Jane helped Daddy take his pants off,then Aunt Jane..."
ShArOn 2008/05/25 06:55
At this point Mommy cut him off and said "Johnny,this is such an interesting story,suppose u save the rest of it for supper time.
ShArOn 2008/05/25 07:00
I want to see the look on Daddy's face when u tell it tonight".At the dinner table that evening Mommy asked Little Johnny to tell his story.
ShArOn 2008/05/25 07:03
Johnny started "I was at the playground and i saw Daddy's car go into the woods with Aunty Jane.I went back to look and he was
GoThiC-GhOsT 2008/05/25 07:06
That a story comedy.
ShArOn 2008/05/25 07:08
giving Aunty Jane a big kiss,then he helped her take off her shirt.Then Aunty Jane helped Daddy take his pants off,then Aunty Jane
ShArOn 2008/05/25 07:10
and Daddy started doing the same thing that Mommy and Uncle Bill used to do when Daddy was in the army".
SpArKo 2008/05/25 08:41
/smiley Heard again /smiley
fu9it1v3 2008/05/25 09:25
kill the kid.
zhEirA 2008/05/25 10:02
/smiley silly kiddo.,/smiley
Essence_Of_Love 2008/05/25 15:47
/smiley tis made my day/smiley
Heavens_DeviL 2008/05/25 16:28
Heard it so many times and it makes me laugh still /smiley
bad-apple 2008/05/26 01:48
/smiley what a kid !
SWTMC 2008/05/26 23:14
Bad boy
lIVINg_fOSSIl 2008/05/27 00:33
lmfao good one
salvador 2008/09/19 06:17
hahaha thats a bomb
ROMEO_ 2008/09/19 08:14
Its very gud im luvin it
Replies: 61

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