Smartsettings os9 and above by allexclusive2008/04/28 15:20 Here Is The Apps in .sisx format. Devcert to sign the apps be4 installing.
allexclusive2008/04/28 17:30 Unzip it using xplore. Also use sysman rather than best taskman
redbLue2008/04/29 06:19 What sysman and taskman? ?
allexclusive2008/04/29 09:09 Sysman is for auto ram compress and better stability when both default browser and opera opened/working and smartsettings is for opening programs without opening phone menu. And To Open Any Zip File U Have To Use Xplore or Handyzip. Former is better as its a filemanager too these 4 apps have many features!
allexclusive2008/04/30 03:45 Incase Your Phone's Menu might not open in future in any day this apps is good also. Just install those two and it completes your phone's fast menu operating