~>Symbols nd signs by
mistic_spice 2008/03/07 21:20
There are so many, who can think of any and their meaning ex. fish -a christian sign reminding ppl of Jesus(pbuh) that were the fisherman of ppl
mistic_spice 2008/03/07 21:28
Everybody knows da cros especialy wich easter comin up. But now i think of da peace sighn, most ppl say its a broken cros nd there4 evil but there has to be an explaination as 2 y its caled 4 peace... Who can tell me?
brOkeN_tEarS 2008/03/08 09:43
Srry i dnt know, but i would like 2 know..
Musk 2008/03/08 11:19
Didnt knew bout the broken cross. ..
SpArKo 2008/03/08 18:18
Heard of broken cross is considered evil but is it for peace too?
mistic_spice 2008/03/09 10:16
I wil c if i can get a pic as atachment, u c its in a circle
mistic_spice 2008/03/09 10:55
Ok, i got a pic with a few samples. Look at my atatchment ok
mistic_spice 2008/03/12 08:43
Oh no, a pentagram is a 5 pointed star nd theres no evil bout that, when inside a circle its said 2 b a pentacle. Its da witches cross. Black hearted ppl turn it upside down with da 2 points up then it looks like a beasts face nd that is da evil christians refer 2
Amarylis 2008/03/17 04:15
True symbols are the way groups identify their friends.
THORNLiLY 2008/03/23 11:30
There is a difference between the broken cross and the peace sign. The broken cross has a line in the middle of the triangle whereas the peace sign consists of only three lines in the circle, and no line in the triangle area. I'm not sure if I can explain it any better with words. Wish I had two different pictures...
MYA 2008/07/18 14:28
Sowy.. I dnt knw.
Password 2008/12/06 08:43
Mmm thanx 4 the info
faby 2009/01/19 21:23
dont know sorry
Arsenesholer 2009/02/01 07:35
Evil ? Broken cross? Who cares
GhAyAl 2009/06/02 08:04
Symbolz r attraCtive. . .
Manal 2009/10/08 10:33
SpArKo: Heard of broken cross is considered evil but is it for peace too?
same question
Fluxion 2011/02/06 18:27
Srry i dnt know
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