Do u blv in ghosts if u havnt seen them yet? by nicolas 2008/02/19 20:32
i didnt, and never wil, coz it doesnt exist. Its al came frm holybooks and nw, rule in human minds.

SpArKo 2008/02/19 22:21
Yup i too dont believe in ghosts at all, i always considered it fiction. Though i really wish to see one someday, provided it doesnt freaks me out /smiley
gInGeRjAdE 2008/02/20 04:11
I do believe even though I havent seen any yet..but there's a lot of proof that they do exit. /smiley
brOkeN_tEarS 2008/02/20 12:56
I believe in them..
shahidb 2008/03/14 12:10
i believe but havent seen but meet ppl who have seen them
Amarylis 2008/03/17 04:10
I do believe as they are the spirits that leave the body when you die.
Ronell 2008/04/16 17:37
No ! idont believe in it !
-linda- 2008/04/19 13:47
Hmmm../smiley I nt really sure cz sometimes if something happen o wat i hv heard..I kinda believe it..Aftr a while, i tends 2 4get bout it..N i dnt believe ghost anymore bt i knw they exist /smiley
Unprodigal_daughter 2008/05/09 12:41
I do believe in Ghosts... i don't think seeing is believing I think feeling is believing
BuShBaBy 2008/07/09 10:23
I have seen a few /smiley
ViZaRD 2008/07/24 06:02
But i believe that ghost.../smiley
Darkseeker92 2008/07/25 01:28
I believe i can fly...huawawa...
MYA 2008/08/01 04:36
Yes.. I blieve dat.
millian 2008/08/02 03:35
Yup n I'v seen one.
U-F-O 2008/08/06 04:48
I don't believe in ghosts. /smiley
Darkseeker92 2008/08/08 06:52
Nvr seen it yet~
zaany 2008/08/11 10:53
Yes ghost exists,
Rishabh39 2008/08/22 18:17
I believe. I believe. But only in my t.v. Not outside it. /smiley
Mc-PamV 2008/08/22 18:43
I believe in them and I do c them,my mom have some in there home there is 2 little boys at the bathroom door and at my brothers room,a woman in the study room,a long man with a dark clouth and a pointy hat but he moves around in the house,and a teenage girl in the kitchen.this is true ppl u can ask angellove and lovely_angel they will tell u
GhAyAl 2008/09/07 10:09
I dnt blv. . .in GhOST . . .NEVER SEEN YET. . .yo.
ROMEO_ 2008/09/14 20:05
Il believe it wen i c it
Replies: 88

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