The wiccan rede by mistic_spice 2008/02/17 15:11
Just an extraction...... Bide by the wiccan law ye must in perfect love nd perfect trust. Live nd let 2 live, fairly take nd fairly give. Cast the circle thrice about 2 keep da evil spirits out. To bind the spell let da spell be spoke in rhyme...
mistic_spice 2008/02/17 15:23
.... Nine woods in the cauldron go, buin them fast and burn them slow. But elder be the Laydys tree, burn it not or cursed youll be.....never a season with a fool shall ye spend, lest be counted as his friend. Merry meet nd merry part, bright the cheeks nd warm the heart. Less in thy own defense it be, always mind the Rule of Three..... These 8 words the Wiccan Rede fulfill: An ye harm none, do as ye will.
brOkeN_tEarS 2008/02/17 16:20
If u read it in ur head does it put a spell on u? /smiley
SpArKo 2008/02/17 19:02
I really tried my level best to understand your words, but still it bounced off again and again over my head /smiley
Po10c-Angel 2008/02/17 21:09
Nice Spell But What Is It 4?
Hkhan 2008/02/18 01:02
I think they are love spell,i red at SECRET GARDEN.
DOLPHINLADY 2008/02/18 09:03
Nyz wordz that ppl should live by.
Dolphinman 2008/02/19 12:27
Sounds like words 4rm the bible.
BOBEY 2008/02/19 16:45
Eklavya 2008/02/19 18:50
Confused /smiley /smiley
mistic_spice 2008/02/28 19:26
Da dolphin couple r close, its not a spell its our law one could say. The wiccan rede teaches how each of us should live. And da one and only law is that we should harm none, no human, animal, plant. Not even oneself
Unprodigal_daughter 2008/05/09 14:26
It's not a spell... it's a Rede. an oath Wiccans abide and live by
BuShBaBy 2008/07/10 05:09
What happens is u skip a verse I had a book on spells yet I think its too much hassle to do spells
-linda- 2008/12/01 13:24
Seem like a spell to me although it is rede /smiley
Password 2008/12/05 06:02
Does it really works? /smiley
Manal 2009/09/18 13:52
U need help?
TheMouse 2009/10/10 16:16
Quote: Dolphinman: Sounds like words 4rm the bible.
the Wiccan Rede can a little bit be compared like that because, like the 10 commandments, it's what Wiccans live by. I find it very beautiful even without following it literally. (e.g. I don't do spells on principle and i never call in the Goddesses as instead i ask them to let me come with them, or take me with them) the everyday phrase 'live and let live' perhaps interprets one important aspect of the Rede.

Barbiecute 2010/05/24 07:37
Hmmm w8 read m topic again
Fluxion 2011/02/06 18:18
Nice Spell
detrimentum 2014/08/13 11:02
Yeah, being wiccan is out of style again. In a few months it will make its turns again. .
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/03 08:19
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