
Most people are born with 2 eyes, 2ears. 2 Arms and 2 hands. 2 Legs and 2 feet. Should you lose the use of one, you can still cope with the other. But we are all born with only ONE HEART, and ONE SOUL. Use it wisely. Don't mess with anyone else's, it does not belong to you! To break a heart, kills a soul. And nobody has a spare one! I am a friendly, down to earth kinda guy. I love sunny days, and has learnt to look for the rainbow on the cloudy ones. You might like me, or detest me, but don't be false with me. GOD forgives, i don't! Judge me if you will, but not afore you know me a lil...
Registered: 2008/02/24 12:58
Last active: 2015/11/15 21:09
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Location: 2wapworld
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