karma talks
Registered: 2018/11/13 06:07
Last active: 2019/10/09 17:54
Posts: 1
Location: Main Menu
Karma: 1
ASL: Male
Hobbies: social butterfly
I like: Girls, desiroleplay , typing
I dislike: waiting for people
Favourite team: brazil
Skills: software
Languages: english hindi
Favourite movies: 50 shades ,300, erotic thriller
Favourite music: any with good beats to dance on
Favourite books: not so much
Favourite games: pubg, gta5 , halo, loco
Favourite quotes: Sometime we can feel a bit dull in the morning and we need to produce our own sunshine energy.
Favourite food: omnivorous
Lifestyle: urban
About me: 75 kg 5'10"