I am far from a perfect man
I am flawed and I am faulty
Sometimes I do not understand
All the imperfections in me
I know I may procrastinate
Put things off a little too long
I often can’t communicate
Even admit when I am wrong
I do not like confrontation
Conflicts and fights I just avoid
Though it causes aggravation
And makes you feel a bit annoyed
I am far from responsible
Acceptance I’m lacking for sure
I’m often undependable
And perhaps a bit immature
I’m very inconsiderate
And your needs I often neglect
Acting like I don’t give a sh*t
Makes me lose all of your respect
I am not that well adjusted
Anti-social I just may be
Many times I have not trusted
My place in our society
I know I am insensitive
And do things you don’t understand
But I’m asking you to forgive
The fact I’m not a perfect man
Registered: 2014/06/08 11:17
Last active: 2015/07/11 18:58
Posts: 10
Karma: 4
ASL: Male