You will end up really disappointed if you think people will do for you as you do for them. not everyone has the same heart as yours.
Where there's a will there's a way. If u fail to achieve ur dreams change ur way not ur principles. Trees change thier leaves but not thier roots.
With the right music you either forget everything or you remember everything.
Dont judge me by my past i dont live there anymore.
Registered: 2013/05/10 13:55
Last active: 2016/02/10 11:56
Posts: 10258
Location: Main Menu
Karma: 1987
ASL: Female
Hobbies: Reading novels,basketball.
I like: American chop seuy my favorite.
I dislike: People who dont have manners towards the poor, and those who show thier Superiority complex.
Favourite team: Manchester United and Liver pool
Skills: Nursing staff
Languages: English, my own tribal language(Khasi)
Favourite movies: Korean movies
Favourite music: Country music n love songs.
Favourite books: Mills n boon n Detectives
Favourite games: Basketball my fav games.
Favourite quotes: No pain no gains
Favourite food: Local dish (Pork)
Lifestyle: Simple.
About me: .lol. good not so bad