
[b]5 Reasons Why Islam is False[/b] In no particular order; for more details on points such as these, see Norman Geisler's book Answering Islam: 1. According to Muslims, the Koran is considered the inerrant, holy scripture that comes directly as a revelation from Allah. However, there have been many examples of factual errors and inconsistencies throughout the book. Thus, either the Koran did not really come from Allah, since Allah cannot be in error or think inconsistently. Or Allah produced the Koran but he is not perfect. Either way, a major tenet of the Islamic faith is disproved; it is a false religion. 2. The Islamic scriptures teach that Jesus never actually died on the cross. He is alleged to have departed from the cross before fully expiring. This is simply historically inaccurate, however, as essentially no New Testament historian (even the most radically anti-Christian) believes Jesus survived crucifixion. 3. Muslims hold that God can have no Son and no equal, as Christians allege in their doctrine of the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all God). But there exists ample evidence that Jesus of Nazareth was in fact the Son of God, just as He taught. Moreover, Jesus testified to the reality and the divinity of the Holy Spirit. [On the historical Jesus, His identity, and His teachings in this regard, see the works of Gary Habermas, William Lane Craig, Darrell Bock, Craig Blomberg, Ben Witherington, and Craig Evans (to name some top scholars)]. 4. The Islamic deity commands unjust and unholy wars. He is thus not morally perfect and is unworthy of worship. But any deity that is unfit for worship cannot be the greatest conceivable being, i.e., God. 5. There are good reasons to believe that the Bible is divinely inspired. Evidences include fulfilled prophecies, the remarkable coherence of the text despite its myriad authors and stories and time frames. The Bible's accuracy has been substantiated greatly by modern archaelogy and classical historical studies. The Bible contains no proven factual errors or contradictions (unlike the Koran) and is attested to as God's Word by Jesus Christ,whom we have good reason to believe was divine Himself. Since the Bible is God's Word and it contradicts the Koran, we can be sure that the Koran is not divinely inspired. Islam is inaccurate in this regard and thus demonstrably false.
Registered: 2012/12/28 18:44
Last active: 2013/01/05 03:38
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