I HATE DISTURBANCE ND I LYK MEETING MY TYPS DAT IS DOSE WHO TRY 2 LUK AT TINZ D ODA WAY ND ALSo I AV LEARNT TO TALK My fear so dat it wil nt throw me out of balance nd also leaving my fear is d 1st nd most dificult step 2 defeat my enemy.
¥ i beleive ¥
lies so dat i can learn to trust no one oda dan myself,
dat every tin happens 4 a reason........
¥ rememba ¥
dat whr sickness thrives bad things follow
dat bein damn broke and jealous is d rut of all evil
¥ whu am i ¥
i am a geek,nerd n
Registered: 2012/09/06 09:53
Last active: 2016/01/05 09:24
Posts: 19
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ASL: Male