sex: Male
Birthday: 25-4-1993
Relationship: Single
Interested in: Men and women
Language: English and malayalam
Religion: Christian
Activities: play football and cricket,drawing,internet browsing,chatting online,watching tv
Interests: Internet browsing,travelling,find frndz
Sports: football and cricket
Tv shows: Most daring,man vs willed,factory made,so u think u can dance,got to dance,indian voice,indian idol,fear factor
Movies: Commando,avengers,titanic,transporter,fast 5,prince of persia,the mummy,chronicles of narnia,goal 2,pirates of the 7 sea,passion of the christ,home alone,stuart little,the karate kid,race,traffic,ordinary,mallu singh,3 idiots,jannat 2
Music: Dj remix,Rap & Hip hop
Books: life after 2050,voyages on the great titanic,future weapons,bible
Quotes: Do u knw y god created gap between ur fingers ? B coz 1day som1 who really loves u, he/she will comes to fill those gaps
by holding ur hands 4ever
Bio: DøN't cOpY mY sTyLé
Registered: 2012/07/18 06:18
Last active: 2012/10/14 10:04
Posts: 24
Karma: 2
ASL: Male