
Sweet as chocolate,nice as an angel. I am your Angel, I've been sent to care for you. I am carried forth on wings of love, and am as faithful, as the early morning dew. I am the Angel who brings you hope, who helps you to fulfill a dream. I am the Angel who brings you desire to achieve, no matter how hopeless, it may seem. I am the Angel who guards and protects, from all that may cause you harm. If I see that you are beginning to falter, I lift you up, by the strength of my arm. Whenever you feel like giving up, I am the voice that whispers, "Keep on". Whenever you feel abandoned, I wrap my arms around you, and console you with my sweet song. I am the Angel that wipes your tears, to comfort you, from all your fears. I am the Angel sent directly by My Father's command, to lead you safely, by my hand. I'm there at the times you feel lost and alone, I'm there whenever things seem to go all wrong. I bring My Father's love, I bring His perfect peace. All the love in my heart which I bring, He has commanded that you receive. He watches from the Throne of Heaven, He sometimes stands by the windowsill, He makes sure that I do my job, to keep you in His perfect will. In my life, I walked with you awhile. I hope, somehow, in some way, I brought to you, a smile. Even though my journey was mine, my very own; I'm thankful that along my path, I did not walk alone. I leave you with a legacy, a legacy of my love; And, I hope that in the days ahead, I've left you with memories enough. As my journey ends, a new pathway for you, begins. Remember all that we have shared, and all the places that we have been. I now approach the Master's garden gate, it swings wide, for me to walk through. As I enter my final destination, I take with me, all the love I have received from you. Go forward now, upon your journey, do not stop, or remain there still; Experience life for the time that you have, I'll be waiting and watching, from Heaven's windowsill.
Registered: 2011/12/18 09:20
Last active: 2012/05/20 15:30
Posts: 278
Karma: 24
ASL: Female
