I FoRgOt how to LoV3...I'm jUst a SpiRitcHAser...NobODyZ baBI -blush- I Don'T tol3Rat3 anybOdz CraP so b3war3 how u AppRoach m3 I am a ticKing tim3 bomb... .haha. ThoSE who liK3 M3..Thanku v3wri much.! Thos3 who hat3 m3 u can gooo to FORKEn h3ll! -lol- I'M just A simPl3, down 2 EaRth , DANg3rous HumaN b3ing....My fAVOurite saying is : "What go3s around comes back around" I beli3ve ..Lif3 is what you mak3 out of it and that anything is Possibl3!! Tankz 4 R3ADing my pROFLE ! ! ! -lol-
Registered: 2011/11/01 15:46
Last active: 2015/06/09 23:56
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