eVeRy OnE cAn sAy,
'' i cAn UnDerStAnd yOuR fEEling ,''
bUt tRUe rELatIon aRe aLwaYs sAy,
''i cAn fEEl yOur fEEling'',
tHat's is tHe mAgIc Of tRuE lOvE,
My phOnE is liKe mY lOvEr. ItS thE
lAst thiNg I sEE at niGht, aNd tHe
fiRSst thiNg I wAke uP tO evEry
pradeep rathod
Registered: 2010/12/17 14:19
Last active: 2016/02/02 17:34
Posts: 886
Location: Inbox
Karma: 30
ASL: Male