I was sent to 2wap Community.
currently am taking my time out to make out plans to revive this community, being talking to a host of others.
If you are interested in this development simply Send me a PM, i will get to you and keep you updated.
Thanks once again for 2wapping.
[b]CREATOR of[/b] 2WAP
[big] [b] [u]ACHIEVEMENTS[/u] [/b] [/big]
[big] [b]The [i]First Prize[/i] winner in the ASHES GAME[/b] [/big] [i]22nd DECEMBER 2010[/i]
[big] [b]The[/b] [/big] -second- [big] [b]2nd Prize winner in[/b] [/big] [big] [b]2WAP QUIZ[/b] [/big] [i]NOVERMBER 2010[/i]
[B] [big]The[/b] [/big] -third- [big] [b]3rd Prize winner in[/b] [/big] [big] [b]2WAP QUIZ[/b] [/big]
[b] [i]...heya pipz...[/i] [/b] [i]Le prita de kutshia lazio,ahti shan kina dez. Pukta ni chan le ku sina devon[/i]
[i]I LOVE 'EM GIRLZ.....[/i] Cos am a [i]BAD BOY[/i] with [i]GOOD ATTITUDE[/i]
[b]You can add me on Whatsapp +2347032240166[/b]
[i]...i dont DIE,i MULTIPLY...[/i]
Registered: 2010/10/28 06:40
Last active: 2018/08/13 07:54
Posts: 1730
Location: Main Menu
Karma: 126
ASL: Male