
....WELCOME....to....... my profile and do enjoy urself. Life is a great teacher, d more u live d more u learn. Life is so precious......, Frnds are timeless and priceless but in kindness dey don't pretend bt defend d1 dey b frnd. U want me 2b ur frnd jst pm me....life may seem difficult nd stressful dnt be discourage, keep trying u cn make it, jst be urself the best u cn be is u ...... Simplicity is nt stupidity bt a sign of humility......'''' Pure luv is swet wen is new and swets when is true, and become sweter when is u.''''..... -butterfly- Luv is crazy, luv is mad, luv is stupid bt also luv is caring, luv is understanding, luv is as beautiful as dis .flower. ...do u fear God? cause i fear God is all i got nd i luv him so much .luv. my Lord I want to b frnds with every body Am in search of luv, a nice girl. I want 2b loved and want 2 to also luv some1...... I lke music -band-, and luv playing football. Feel cool 4all d people Luv u all my frnds. thanku 4 coming 2 my profile and don't 4get 2 visit my profile i luv u all my frnds and 2wap to u viewers. Thanx to all 4 -close- my profile. niceday to you all my frnds -loveit- bye and Don't 4get to -signgb-
Registered: 2010/03/06 11:31
Last active: 2013/06/01 19:49
Posts: 1141
Karma: 1
ASL: Male
