-fire- [b]....ABOVE ALL I RISE.... ABOVE TRUTHS AND LIES.... ABOVE ALL ACTIONS , ABOVE ALL DEEDS.... ABOVE ALL POWER, AT MY OWN THOUGHTS.... WHEN EVERYTHING ELSE SEEMS TO SMALL, I RISE ABOVE ALL....[/b] I AM FLAMES -ok- -fire-[b] burning so bright ....and unpredictable..... lighting the sky ....a glow that is invincible[/b]-fire- -fire- [b]hotter than the desert.....controlled yet wild testing its boundaries .....but still very mild...[/b] -fire- [b] fear of water .....but not so shy ...growing independant ....until its time is nye[/b] -fire-[b]as it diminishes ....the smoke grows higher ....darker than before....but its spirit will still prespire..[/b]-fire-
Registered: 2010/02/26 04:48
Last active: 2013/09/20 13:02
Posts: 238
Karma: 19
ASL: Male
