
Unerdtsanding Bteewen Ecah Ohter Is Rael Fierndsihp Eevn Hvae So Mnay Msitkaes Lkie Tihs Msesage, Btu I Konw Yuo Cna Raed Wtihotu eorrr...! "TAHTS FIRENDHSIP" The huge building beside the huge pass...! The walking path is shining like a glass...! The grasses, cloud-riding, rose-caped in the glow...! The red flower againist in green grass grow...! Tough time divide's us and memories fade...! I still see your name in glory arrayed...! Though time, the old robber has torn us apart...! But your magic memory is always secured in my beautiful heart..! -heart- dont be -selfish- and -atn- -signgb- . (tnx)
Registered: 2010/02/01 15:53
Last active: 2012/05/20 15:30
Posts: 183
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ASL: 18/male/india
