I have some *GOLD* friends here they are _LAKETEMPEST_&_ANGERPRINCESS_&_LESLI_&_MANY OTHERS__"PEOPLE are unreasonable,illogical and self-centered,LOVE THEM ANYWAY__If you do good people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives,DO GOOD ANYWAY__If you are successful you will win false friend and true enemies,SUCCEED ANYWAY__THE good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow,DO GOOD ANYWAY__THE biggest person with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest people will the smallest minds,THINK BIG ANYWAY__What you spend years building up may be destroyed overnight,BUILT ANYWAY__Give the world the best you have and it may -kick1- you give the world the best you have GOT ANYWAY__-fan-_THERE are times when people disappoint you and let you down,but those are the times when you must remind yourself__all the flowers of tomorrow are in seeds of today__OLD Friends are GOLD new friends are diamond if you get a diamond dont forget the gOLD because to hold a diamond you always need a base of Gold__ peace _
Registered: 2009/10/30 23:06
Last active: 2015/01/17 18:18
Posts: 1784
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