
[b] i LOVE d way u LOVE me, str0ng and wild,sl0w and easy,heart and s0ul, so COMPLETELY [/b] [b] t0 fall inl0ve is s0 easy, staying inl0ve is a challenge, letting g0 is the hardest part, and m0ving on is a damn suicide [/b] [i] d0nt dare t0 judge me, maybe y0u kn0w me but n0t exactly [/i] [b] beh!nd my f|!rt image !s the fact that ! Am m0re genu!ne, rea| and natura| than th0se wh0 act c0nservat!ve but t0ta||y 100% damage [/b] [i] Simp|e ga|...friend|y/easy 2 b with, d0wn 2 earth, si|ent type... [/i] [b] i d0nt nèed to pr0ve mysè|f to anyb0dy [/b] [i] s0metimes we need t0 runaway n0t just t0 create distance, but to knw wh0 rily cares to run behind t0 pull y0u back [/i] [b] you can close y0ur eyes to the th!ngs y0u d0nt want to see,but y0u cant cl0se y0ur heart to the things y0u d0nt want to feel [/b]
Registered: 2009/10/12 07:56
Last active: 2013/07/09 23:07
Posts: 183
Karma: 1
ASL: Still y0ung/gal/s0mewhere 0ut there
