Poof,hoof,damn dick-LICKAZ,AM raw -N-DIABOLICAL in human N spirit foRM...[u]niggas finK am INsan3,yeah,its tru i drink 7000 botls of VODKA A day -buhaem-[/u]am juz 2 ill 4d SITE,dnt kip me,i shud b in da REHAB .wtf. [b]GEES LYK ME LYK FUCKIN WTOUT A DICK, -whocares2- am here 2cus huricane,deSTROYS NIGAS FAME,h8 my NAME,-piss- bt stil u'l QuiT UR Gam3 -haba-[/b] DNT REGARD ME [i]i dnt nid 2b told dat i waz dead,dis my RE-INCANATION,if u dnt lyk me -kma- n i stil dnt giv A -fuck-[/i] al i cn find er ar -stupidppl- bitchn me! -kick1- damn al n -flip- u n -fucku- [b]AM CRAZY N PSYKADELIC,IF U WANA KNO ME MUR,DUMP U ARSIN PM 4ME OR BETASTIL,GETTHA FUCK-OUT![/b] [b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b]no sh!t bout me is gud,am a devil boy,sh!t JESUS slapped me 3times aday..sh!t am scary,u cnt kno me,dnt even tink of me... [i]RAW[/b]:hatred,detest,deathrow,dismay endles kilin n fuckin... am tired,sh!t wait 4da rest...
Registered: 2009/10/05 21:17
Last active: 2013/06/18 15:24
Posts: 108
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