-glit- [img=http://2wapworld.com/r1295085367thumb69081.jpg] -glit- [i] 'If I was to cut a tree in 8hrs, I'll spend 6hrs in Sharping my Ax'..[/i]
[big] -ABRAham Linchon[/big]
-welcome- t0 my pr0file oh yee L0vers of LIFE,
Bliv in ChrisT & u'll a LIFE witout STRIFE, jst bliv me & read d buk of MARK 5
-u c0upulate wit fear bcox u truely 4g3t wh0 u really ARE!
[b] Imp0sibities...lies wit HIM,says I D_Wizzard![/b]
WHO I AM; [i] ...PLEASE WAIT,..reinvogorating,..analylizing data base protocol, synchronizing...processing...[/i] I am a Godly_Wizzard 'd FIRST 'N LAST u
[b] eva[/b] met. A
I call myselF a
[b] KING[/b] bcox that's wh0 I AM.
(smiling..) u mite wanna cal me a lizzard, n0te folks, am tha BigG3st! 'em call m3 tha IGUANA, c0x what I WANNA, am G0NNA...!
[b] N0t3! Rapperz:[/b]
[i] DONT test me, ma PAPA already Blessed_me, I repeat Dont!, Nt evn a H.I.V test, c0x amma tr0w ya int0 Hells' V.I.P CHEST! pr0verbs 20:2/ 'nd if ya dnt stil r3alize am Blest/ -butcher- amma r3-murder ya,murder ya blood til iT bleedz Sw3at!/ amma g0nn put u on arh ROLL3r-COASTERs of tribuLati0nz so dawg! PUT-ON-YA-SEAT_BELT! 'nd amma get ya crAshed wift yur knees Knelt! & u BADLy_Dealt! [/i]
[b] Pause ||[/b]
[i] End of dicussion!,Salvation c0ntinues...[/i]
...this has n0thng t0 do wift Franchise, it is at anys' Disadvanchise. That u're SAVED d0z nt mean u're SAFE!
[u] '...wift God, u shal SWING m0r Balls 2d Woods lyk TIGER-WOODS'[/u]
...a life wift-out Christ hugs Crises,& so c0nfus3d like d0ssed-ar0und Dices.
ACCEPT hiM t0day, 'nd st0p takinG CHANCES.
[b] Play >[/b] [i] End of Salvati0n,Discussion countines...[/i]
[b] Am nt afraid t0 [b] Battle,[/b] but am afraid of [b] Br0k3n_Bottles![/b] Having my B3d_r0om fiLLed wift lots of [b] Op3ned_BIBLez/[/b] Rappers, dnt diss me,cox amma diss u till u pee-ur whyte bl0od Cells OUT!...amma mak yur real-MANNER walk away fr0m u like chris_br0wn,haha...'watz my last name?' like RIHANNA so I mak yur Face_Fr0wn! reliGAting ur c0untrys' kings Haha,..wat d0 I do wift diz alloy-made CROWNS?[/b] -angry-
My great concern is not whether
you have failed, but whether you
are content with your failure.
-glit- The way for a young man to rise
is to improve himself in every
way he can, never suspecting
that anybody wishes to hinder
Always bear in mind that your
own resolution to success is
more important than any other
one thing. -glit- [img=http://2wapworld.com/bthumb60568.jpg] -glit-
Registered: 2009/08/08 10:53
Last active: 2012/05/20 15:30
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