
-glit- [img=http://2wapworld.com/r1295085367thumb69081.jpg] -glit- [i] 'If I was to cut a tree in 8hrs, I'll spend 6hrs in Sharping my Ax'..[/i] [big] -ABRAham Linchon[/big] -welcome- t0 my pr0file oh yee L0vers of LIFE, Bliv in ChrisT & u'll a LIFE witout STRIFE, jst bliv me & read d buk of MARK 5 -glit- -u c0upulate wit fear bcox u truely 4g3t wh0 u really ARE! [b] Imp0sibities...lies wit HIM,says I D_Wizzard![/b] WHO I AM; [i] ...PLEASE WAIT,..reinvogorating,..analylizing data base protocol, synchronizing...processing...[/i] I am a Godly_Wizzard 'd FIRST 'N LAST u [b] eva[/b] met. A [b] GODLY_WIZZARD!![/b] I call myselF a [b] KING[/b] bcox that's wh0 I AM. (smiling..) u mite wanna cal me a lizzard, n0te folks, am tha BigG3st! 'em call m3 tha IGUANA, c0x what I WANNA, am G0NNA...! . -glit- [b] N0t3! Rapperz:[/b] [i] DONT test me, ma PAPA already Blessed_me, I repeat Dont!, Nt evn a H.I.V test, c0x amma tr0w ya int0 Hells' V.I.P CHEST! pr0verbs 20:2/ 'nd if ya dnt stil r3alize am Blest/ -butcher- amma r3-murder ya,murder ya blood til iT bleedz Sw3at!/ amma g0nn put u on arh ROLL3r-COASTERs of tribuLati0nz so dawg! PUT-ON-YA-SEAT_BELT! 'nd amma get ya crAshed wift yur knees Knelt! & u BADLy_Dealt! [/i] [b] Pause ||[/b] [i] End of dicussion!,Salvation c0ntinues...[/i] . -glit- ...this has n0thng t0 do wift Franchise, it is at anys' Disadvanchise. That u're SAVED d0z nt mean u're SAFE! [u] '...wift God, u shal SWING m0r Balls 2d Woods lyk TIGER-WOODS'[/u] ...a life wift-out Christ hugs Crises,& so c0nfus3d like d0ssed-ar0und Dices. ACCEPT hiM t0day, 'nd st0p takinG CHANCES. [b] Play >[/b] [i] End of Salvati0n,Discussion countines...[/i] . -glit- [b] Am nt afraid t0 [b] Battle,[/b] but am afraid of [b] Br0k3n_Bottles![/b] Having my B3d_r0om fiLLed wift lots of [b] Op3ned_BIBLez/[/b] Rappers, dnt diss me,cox amma diss u till u pee-ur whyte bl0od Cells OUT!...amma mak yur real-MANNER walk away fr0m u like chris_br0wn,haha...'watz my last name?' like RIHANNA so I mak yur Face_Fr0wn! reliGAting ur c0untrys' kings Haha,..wat d0 I do wift diz alloy-made CROWNS?[/b] -angry- . -glit- . (smiling..) [b] IF I GAT IT, U GAT IT TOO, LADIES&GENTLEMEN, DATZ UR CARREER IN MA HOOD![/b] . -glit- . My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure. -glit- The way for a young man to rise is to improve himself in every way he can, never suspecting that anybody wishes to hinder him. . -glit- . Always bear in mind that your own resolution to success is more important than any other one thing. -glit- [img=http://2wapworld.com/bthumb60568.jpg] -glit-
Registered: 2009/08/08 10:53
Last active: 2012/05/20 15:30
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