[b] HELLOW Every SWEET GUYS and GIRLS, this is JAWWAD from HINDUSTAN [/b] -flag- More, I m not disappointed guy, i ever respect peoples, and hope the same from them. :) Someone asked me for how long will both of you be friend. . . I remained silent bcoz, I dont know which one is longer- [b] ALWAYS OR FOREVER[/b] But, sometimes missing is more precious than being together. . . [b] Bcoz we miss only those with whom we always want to be together[/b] [b] But be my friend always[/b] *drink* [u] My styles are differet[/u] playing cricket is my hobby , Telling truth is my job, Touching the star is my wish, Do every people loves me is to see . [b] Hope you like my profile and be a friend now let me run to inbox [/b] -sonic-
Registered: 2009/07/18 08:48
Last active: 2013/06/27 09:17
Posts: 328
Karma: 7
ASL: 21 / B0y / InDiA.
