
- ACID BATH - Creeping like frost As slow as grave moss Like drowning in dry oceans of bone dust I taste the wreckage of crumbling faces I know the pale thing in the darkest of places Slow desolation like a funeral procession The lovely one screams like she's caught between stations I eat the razor, a mouthful of God's flesh Sweating this blackness, I am shutting this cold death I remember blood from the thighs of the mother As everything is eaten by another How much more must we bleed her I cut their throats while they slept I wept I peel back my skull for you Yes I do DEAD VENUS BLUE Love is rotting on the vine Crumbling in God's sunshine I am dying all the time Point me at the DEAD VENUS BLUE I taste the wreckage of crumbling faces I know the pale thing in the darkest of places -leave-
Registered: 2009/04/25 18:44
Last active: 2016/04/21 13:35
Posts: 12
Location: Main Menu
Karma: 4
ASL: Female
